blog posts APR Charts 2023This page contains charts that attach to the Illinois Early Intervention Annual Performance Reports (APRs) sent to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Evaluation Plan FFY21 FFY21SF22 Indicator 1 - Timely Provision of Services FFY21SF22 Indicator 2 - Services in Natural Environments FFY21SF22 Indicator 3 - Child Outcomes FFY21SF22 Indicator 4 - Family Involvement FFY21SF22 Indicator 5 - Child Find (Birth to One) Federal Comparison FFY21SF22 Indicator 6 - Child Find (Birth to Three) Federal Comparison FFY21SF22 Indicator 7 - Timely Services (45-Day Timeline) FFY21SF22 Indicator 8A - Early Childhood Transition - Transition Steps and Services FFY21SF22 Indicator 8B - Early Childhood Transition - Notification FFY21SF22 Indicator 8C - Early Childhood Transition - Timely Transition Conferences