Hello INTLconnect Members,
You are reading the 247th issue of The Career Center’s INTLconnect Newsletter. This weekly newsletter covers career-related information for international students of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For regular career resources for international students, visit https://www.careercenter.illinois.edu/INTLconnect. If you want to connect with international alumni, join INTLconnect at Illinois LinkedIn group. To view previous newsletters, visit the Newsletter Blog.
The Career Center Info Night For International Students
Thursday, August 20, 7:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m.: Zoom Meeting ID – 929 6750 4134
Friday, August 28, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Zoom Meeting ID – 947 2653 5945
New and continuing international students can learn about services, programs and resources of The Career Center and career service offices provided in the Fall 2020 semester. In the fall, The Career Center will offer various virtual programs to help international students become more competitive job/internship candidates in the U.S. as well as in their home countries. International Career Festival (ICF) hosted by career offices on campus will be introduced too. ICF consists of the ICF Virtual Interview Competition and the Alumni Panel Sessions.
Summer 2020 AUCA Career Fair in China
If you are looking for employment opportunities in China, the Summer 2020 AUCA Employer Talks and Career Fairs would be the events you should attend. Top global and Chinese employers in China, such as P&G, Mars, EY, BOE, Bloomberg, ByteDance, will offer info sessions in early August. The student registration for Summer 2020 AUCA Career Fairs is still available (see the links below). The University of Illinois Shanghai Office is part of AUCA (American Universities’ China Association) that is hosting these events.
Events/Programs by The Career Center and Career Service Offices
Heads-up: International Career Festival (ICF) Virtual Interview Competition
Application available Monday, August 24
International Career Festival (ICF) is an annual career event for international students that is hosted by University of Illinois Career Services Council. This year’s ICF is comprised of the ICF Virtual Interview Competition and the Alumni Panel Sessions. For those who want to participate in the Virtual Interview Competition, the application will be available Monday, August 24, on the Handshake event section. You are asked to submit recorded answers for two Big Interview questions. The Alumni Panel Sessions will happen on Friday, October 16, from 3-5 p.m. via Zoom.
Career Certificate – International Students (CC-I) Info Sessions
August 24, August 25, August 31, September 1, and September 4, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Zoom link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/92793650966
If you want to apply to the Fall 2020 Career Certificate – International Students (CC-I) program, you must attend one of the CC-I information sessions. CC-I is a nine-week training program to help international students develop job/internship search and networking skills. Undergraduate and Master’s students can apply. First-year undergraduate students are encouraged to apply to the CC-I program in 2021 after getting used to the campus.
On-Campus Opportunities
FACES Consulting Application Live!
FACES Consulting is a student-run consulting club for international students who are interested in consulting and management careers. Their services for client companies include, not limited to, market penetration and sales growth, financial modeling and valuation, feasibility analysis. If you are interested, please take a look at their recruiting page. A virtual info session will be offered on August 26, 8-9 p.m and the application deadline is August 31, 6 p.m.
LAS 100 Paid Internship Opportunity For LAS Students
Don’t miss the fantastic paid internship opportunity ($10 per hour)! LAS 100 online course is recruiting student interns to work with new international students this fall. To serve as an intern, you should be an enrolled student at the College of LAS, but no need to be on campus. Students who have experience working with international students as a mentor or a group facilitator may be preferred. Engaging in the U.S. academic work environment, you will gain skills in communication, leadership, and collaboration. Check the job description here. To apply for this one-of-a-kind leadership opportunity, fill in the application form and send it to Dr. HyeJin Tina Yeo at hyeo8@illinois.edu.
Employment Opportunities
Goldman Sachs Asia Virtual Info Session
August 12 & 20, Hong Kong Time
Goldman Sachs Asis is offering two virtual info sessions for their 2021 recruitment. Goldman Sachs encourages you to visit their event portal to register for the info sessions.
2021 Full-time Positions at New Hope Liuhe, Chengdu, China
Today, New Hope Liuhe, the leading animal feed product company in China, has posted two positions, Animal Breeding Engineer and Animal Nutritionist.
2021 Game Operation Positions at ByteDance for English/Korean/Spanish/Indonesian Speakers, Beijing, China
ByteDance, a fast-growing Internet business company in China, has posted a job for those who are interested in the online game industry and speak English, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, French or German very fluently. ByteDance will take care of work visas for foreigners. For more details, please click here.
Entry-level Accounting Associate for Korean Bilinguals at Ko & Yun, LLP, Atlanta, GA
Ko & Yun, LLP, one of the accounting firms that are working with Korean companies in the U.S., is receiving applications for an entry-level associate position in its Atlanta office. Korean bilinguals on the OPT status can apply. Please click this for details.
COVID-19 Resources and The Career Center (TCC) Virtual Appointments
Amid pandemic, you are not alone in your job search process. To make your experience easier, we have listed a few resources in the box folder. During the summer, you can make appointments with advisors at The Career Center and check out what drop-in services are available at The Career Center.
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