Hi INTLconnect members,
This is The Career Center’s 138th INTLconnect Newsletter, a weekly e-newsletter covering information for international students and alumni of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For more content, see www.careercenter.illinois.edu/INTLconnect and our INTLconnect at Illinois LinkedIn group. To see the previous issues of this newsletter, please visit our INTLconnect Newsletter Blog.
LinkedIn and Job Search Resources for International Students
Friday, March 3rd, 4:00 – 5:30 PM, The Career Center Interview Suite Room 213
This is the LAST LinkedIn and Job Search Resources workshop in this semester! This workshop will teach you how to use LinkedIn and job search resources including Myvisa.com. You will learn more about how to create an appealing LinkedIn profile and how to use LinkedIn for career exploration, networking, and informational interviews. The methods of identifying companies who are more friendly to international job seekers will also be included in this workshop. Please bring a laptop with you.
The Career Center UIntern Info Session
Tuesday, March 7th, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, The Career Center Interview Suite Room 213
Wednesday, March 8th, 12:00 – 1:00 PM & 5:00 – 6:00 PM, location as above
UIntern helps facilitate summer internships at nonprofit organizations. Participants will benefit professionally as this channel helps you build up competency relevant to your passion and profession with real practices with nonprofit organizations. You are also eligible to apply for a UIntern Fellowship grant up to $750. For more information, please visit here.
INTL Weekly Internships/ Jobs (the week of February 26)
Positions of Assistant Manager/ Supply chain/ Management trainee (Sales/Medical Affairs) /Finance at Johnson & Johnson (National wide, China)
Many vacancies are open! Johnson & Johnson is one of the top international companies in healthcare industry. The application is due on March 10th. For further information, please check here.
Insurance and Actuarial Advisory Services Summer Intern at Ernest & Young (EY) (National wide, US)
The interns will work within Insurance and Actuarial Advisory Services group. In addition, they will work on multiple client engagement teams that perform actuarial loss reserve, ratemaking, due diligence, valuation and pricing analyses, model building, cash flow testing and other related actuarial projects. EY will provide on-the-job training to support interns’ ability dealing with business/technical issues. Candidates have to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree with an emphasis in Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or a related financial field. The flexibility and willingness to travel and work in excess of standard hours when necessary are required. Please check I-Link for further information and complete application process.
Supply Chain Planner/Buyer Intern/Co-op at Nokia (Plano, Texas)
The interns will manage vendor supply actions, do supply chain reports, and use SAP and other planning/inventory/order management tools. Ability of strong written and verbal communication skills, using SAP, MS Excel, MS Word are essential. Nokia provides a global environment for talents who are interested in connecting people and things by technologies. For further information, please check here.
Japanese Bilingual Recruiter at Pasona International Exchange Program (National wide, US)
Pasona International Exchange Program is under Pasona Group Inc. This company promotes an understanding between Japan and US by hosting many exchange programs. The candidates have to be fluent in English and Japanese. Working content includes searching for talents, interviewing and recruiting potential employees, and communicating with clients to understand their personnel needs. Please check I-Link to apply.
OIIR International Education Graduate Hourly Position (On campus)
The Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations International Education will hire 2 graduate students for program support. The candidates are expected to have experience in handling international education/students issues, intercultural communication, student-oriented programming. For more information, please visit here.
Upcoming Events/Workshops
2017 Conexiones: Latina/o Student & Alumni Networking Event
Saturday, March 11th, 11:30 – 1:30 PM, The Alice Campbell Alumni Center Ballroom
CONEXIONES is a professional development event to connect with successful Latino(a) professionals who are able to offer career advice. We will have professionals from a variety of professions discussing the job interview process, building resumes and cover letters, and next steps once you start your career. This is a great opportunity to engage in both structured and unstructured networking with employers! You will be able to be involved in a mini-workshop on crafting and practicing your elevator pitch. Register at http://go.illinois.edu/CONEXIONES2017 by March 1.
Global Career Opportunity: Careers in Singapore
Thursday, March 15th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM, The Career Center Interview Suite Room 213
Singapore is one of the top destinations for global talents. It is a place that is welcoming o foreigners. The Career Center invites representatives from a Singaporean governmental agency, and panelists who used to work or studied abroad in Singapore. This event aims to help you know more about working environment and career opportunities in Singapore. It is co-hosted by Singaporean Students Association.
Women’s Career Institute
Saturday, March 4th, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM, The Career Center Interview Suite Room 213
This one-day long women’s leadership and career development provides workshops, networking opportunities, and strength assessment. It is specially designed for undergraduate students of all genders eager to explore considerations for women seeking career and leadership opportunities. Free meals will be provided. Please register at here.
Coffee and Careers: Teaching-Focused Careers in Academia
Thursday, March 2nd, 10:00 – 11:00 AM, Illini Union Bookstore Building, room 504
Have you ever been curious about teaching life in academia? Or, are you interested in becoming an instructor in academic environment? At this event, you can ask questions and get advice in this particular career interest. Jerrod A. Henderson, Instructional Assistant Professor of Engineering at the University of Houston will join in the conversation to share his 6 years of teaching experiences. Registration is required. This event is sponsored by the Graduate College Career Development Office.
Graduate Student Professional Development Fair
Friday, March 3rd, 12:00 – 2:00 PM, Illini Union Room, Illini Room C
This is an opportunity for graduate students to learn about services and resources designed for supporting your success. 18 Offices participate in this fair, including ISSS, Leadership Center, and Research Park. Free professional headshot is covered in this event. Visit here for more information.
Live broadcast: Job Hunting in China
Saturday, March 4th, 10:00 AM (Beijing time), online live broadcast
UI Alumni Association in Shanghai and University of Illinois, Shanghai Office invited 5 alumni to share their job hunting experiences in China. They were in engineering and finance related studies at UI. Their stories share updates in career environment knowledge in China. You may join in via www.yy.com/87462975.
2017 Research Park Career Fair
Thursday, March 9th, The i-Hotel and Conference Center at 1900 South First Street, Champaign
The Research Park Career Fair is a great way for students who are specifically interested in working in the Research Park to meet with employers, both startups and corporate operations. You will meet employers, both startups and corporate operations. Especially for students are interested in the fields of engineering, business, and technology, it is a career fair for you to find opportunities. Visit here for more information.
University of Illinois Asian American Alumni Network (UIAAAN) Scholarship
UIAAAN strongly believes in investing in our future leaders and is pleased to offer scholarships to outstanding students at the University of Illinois. Selected students who have demonstrated dedication and commitment to the Asian and Asian American community will receive $500 scholarships for Fall 2017. For more information, pleas visit here.
Alumni Panel by Chinese Business Students and Alumni Association (CBSAA)
Sunday, March 26th, 6:00 – 8:15 PM, Wohlers Hall 245
CBSAA is a student run organization that focuses on developing Chinese business students in UIUC through connecting alumni, university, cooperates. They are hosting a career alumni panel for students who are looking for career opportunities in China. The invited alumni are graduates from master programs of finance (MSF), accounting (MSA), human resources(MHRIR) and MBA. You will have the chance to listen their insights for the fields they are working for, the challenges they’ve encountered during job hunting process and the suggestions they give to current students. Panelists had current/past working experience in companies such as EY, Mercer, Invista. Please follow them on Wechat: CBSAA_UIUC for future opportunities or questions.
Personal Branding Workshop
Thursday, March 2nd, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, The Career Center Interview Suites - 616 E Green Street
Join Illumina for a practical workshop! Do you know what makes you stand out from the rest? Understanding & leveraging your personal brand makes all the difference when looking for a job, gaining experiences during an internship, or changing roles throughout a company. Lunch is provided.
2017 New York Career Forum hosted by CareerForum.Net
Saturday, March 25th, Javits Center, Hall 1E, 655 W 34th Street, New York
CareerForum.Net will be hosting a Career Forum in New York. They invite individuals from all over the country with Japanese and English language abilities to explore career opportunities and find the perfect match for their future goals. Anyone with legal permission to work in the U.S. is welcome to attend, including OPT holders and candidates graduating by December 2017. With approximately 50 companies hiring for employment locations nationwide, this event will be an exceptional opportunity to network and learn about the best ways to use your Japanese language ability right here in the U.S. For more information, please visit here.
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