Hi INTLconnect members,
This is the 169th issue of The Career Center’s INTLconnect Newsletter. This newsletter is a weekly e-newsletter covering career-related information for international students of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For regular career services and programs for international students, see www.careercenter.illinois.edu/INTLconnect and our INTLconnect at Illinois LinkedIn group. To see the previous issues of this newsletter, please visit our INTLconnect Newsletter Blog.
Rest and Work: Spring Break Countdown!
What’s your plan for the upcoming spring break? Spring break is absolutely a great time for you to take some deep breath and relax. It’s also a great time for you to continue networking. Many students visit alumni or professionals that they cannot meet in Champaign during that week. Chatting with these people can benefit you greatly in gaining more career-related information. Start reaching out to the people you want to talk to in person and have a great conversation!
Immigration 101: Immigration Attorney Presentation
Friday, March 9th, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM, The Career Center Interview Suite Room 213
Immigration attorney Mary Carmen R. Madrid-Crost will speak on immigration and employment options after OPT and can answer questions about what options are available after the completion of F-1 or J-1 status in the U.S. This presentation will also include information about current immigration law issues including potential changes in H1B sponsorships.
INTL Weekly Internships/ Jobs (the week of March 4th)
Join in University of Illinois campus committees
This is a great leadership experience! There are so many committees that fall under 6 different categories: culture & social justice, health &wellness, career & leadership, public safety, space, & planning, campus life performing arts, fee advisory & review boards. You can make an impact to the campus by working on the particular topic as a committee member. To apply or look for more information, please click here.
Academic Hourly and Graduate Assistant positions at Applied Technologies for Learning in the Arts & Sciences (ATLAS) (On Campus)
The mission of ATLAS is to provide reliable and secure information technology services that support and enhance the educational, research and administrative activities of students, faculty and staff in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. They are looking for many candidates for different positions. Technology background is not necessary. Please click here for positions’ descriptions and other further information.
Social and Innovation Intern at FleishmanHillard (Washington, D.C.)
FleishmanHillard is a public relations and marketing agency. Deadline of application is March 9th. Candidates must be a college junior, senior or a college graduate who are familiar with social media platforms in a professional perspective. Please check here for more information.
Upcoming Events/Workshops/Info Sessions On Campus
Presentation Skills Course for International Students
Do you need more feedback and practice for your presentation skills? ESL Writing Program: ESL 593: Academic Presentation Skills is being offered from March 13th to May 1st. You will receive individual feedback on your presentation performance and plenty of practice opportunities. If you have any questions about the course, contact the ESL Writing Program.
Starting a Job Search in Industry, Nonprofits, or Government
Thursday, March 8th, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM, Lincoln Hall Room 1028
This is an event sponsored by the Graduate College and designed for graduate students. Do you want to search for a job outside of academia? This session will offer an overview of the non-academic job search process, with information about the most effective strategies and how to structure your search.
Research Park Career Fair
Tuesday, March 13th, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, iHotel and Conference Center
This is a career fair targeting at graduate and undergraduate students seeking internship and career opportunities in engineering, business, and technology. Both startups and corporate operations at Research Park will attend to recruit. To learn more information, please click here.
University of Illinois Asian American Alumni Network (UIAAAN) Scholarship 2018
Deadline: Friday, March 16th (Applications must be submitted as one single pdf file to aacc@illinois.edu)
Selected students who have demonstrated dedication and commitment to the Asian and Asian American community will receive $500 scholarships for Fall 2018. The UIAAAN Scholarship recipients will be honored at the Asian American Cultural Center’s Annual Leadership Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 23, 2018 at 7pm in the Alice Campbell Alumni Center. All applicants must submit a resume, an unofficial UI transcript, contact information for one reference and the essay response. If you have any question, please contact Christina Carpio by email aacc@illinois.edu
· Domestic or International undergraduate student enrolled during the spring 2018 semester at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
· Continued enrollment as an undergraduate or graduate/professional student during the fall 2018 semester at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
· UI cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
· Completed one or more courses related to Asian and Asian American experiences, culture, and/or language
· Demonstrate leadership in the Asian and Asian American community through campus and/or student organizations​
2018 AACC Leadership Awards
Deadline: March 17th for activities/programs/services (Nomination form is here.)
Deadline: April 23th for graduating leaders (Nomination form is here.)
There are six awards recognizing leaders and programs promoting cross-cultural understanding of Asian American and Asian international experiences. For more information, please visit here.
Larsen Grant Application
Are you a graduate student and interested in research in career development? Here is a chance to receive a grant. The deadline for submission is March 6, 2018. If you are interested, please click here to learn more information.
Study Abroad in Brazil with Economics Prof. Joe Petry
(ECON 199) Students will spend time in both Rio de Janiero and São Paulo, where you will meet Brazilian students, professors, entrepreneurs, and business leaders. The summer trip will provide an additional experience traveling to the rain forest. To learn more information, please click here.
Other Upcoming Events/Workshops
AmCham China Career and Development Fair with Multinational Companies in China
Friday, March 16th, 11:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Beijing Wenjing Hotel
It is a career fair hold by AmCham that welcome both Chinese and non-Chinese. Current students, recent graduates and alumni are all welcome too. 20-30 companies are expected to join this event from the Financial Services sector, High-tech industry, Management Consulting and Accounting firms and other well-known American Multinationals in China. For more information, please click here.
Book of the Week
Win the Job You Want: 7 Secrets Hiring Managers Don’t Tell You
Writers: Pat Andrew and Eleanor Hill
Main Topic: What you should do for job searching
Knowing what hiring managers want to see in a job candidate will benefit you a lot in job searching. You will learn how to make a lasting positive impression, where the hidden job market is, and the things that hiring managers will not tell you. To find out if this book is available at The Career Center Resource Library, please click here.
If you would like to introduce this newsletter to your friends, forward them this link (https://illinois.edu/gm/subscribe/10045) or send an email to, Miranda Meng yhmeng2@illinois.edu. If you want to unsubscribe from this newsletter, click here.