Hi INTLconnect members,
This is the 172nd issue of The Career Center’s INTLconnect Newsletter. This newsletter is a weekly e-newsletter covering career-related information for international students of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For regular career services and programs for international students, see www.careercenter.illinois.edu/INTLconnect and our INTLconnect at Illinois LinkedIn group. To see the previous issues of this newsletter, please visit our INTLconnect Newsletter Blog.
Illini Career & Internship Fair
Tuesday, April 10th, 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Illini Union Rooms A, B, C
This career fair is open to all disciplines and is designed to serve as a "just-in-time" fair for students that have yet to secure a summer internship or full-time job after graduation. Please check which employers are coming at Handshake.
INTL Weekly Internships/ Jobs (the week of April 1st)
Various Positions at The Career Center (On Campus)
There are many graduate assistant and undergraduate intern positions. For example, marketing and communication intern, graphic design and multimedia intern, and so on. To apply or look for more information, please click here.
SPIN Intern at National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) (On Campus)
NCSA is looking for undergraduate students to work on some research projects with NCSA cohort. The center will offer a limited number of paid SPIN (Students Pushing INnovation) internships during the Academic Year 2018-19 session. The SPIN projects are open to students in any major and any year of study, including international students. To learn more information, please join their open house on April 16th from 3:00 – 5:00 at NCSA Atrium. Please click here for further information.
Various Engineer Positions at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) (Taiwan)
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Limited, also known as Taiwan Semiconductor, is the world's largest dedicated independent semiconductor foundry. They are looking for Master or Ph.D students studying in science, engineering, or business who can be onboard in 2018. Please check here for further information.
SF Consulting-Associate Consultant at SF Technology (Shanghai, and Shenzhen, China)
SF Technology is a member of SF Group. SF Group is an international supply chain service provider based in China. They are looking for candidates who are graduating with MS and PhD major in Science & Engineering, or Finance & Management with strong mathematical skills. They will have on campus interviews on April 12th & 13th. Please check Handshake for further information.
Upcoming Events/Workshops/Info Sessions On Campus
Be Your Own Boss: Pizza & Professionals Panel Discussion Luncheon Series
Friday, April 6th, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, The Career Center Interview Suite Room 213
Have you thought about starting your own business? The Career Center invited many local business owners to share how they started their business and what keeps them moving forward. Please check Handshake to see who is coming.
Global Careers: Careers at UN and International Organizations
Thursday, April 26th, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Illini Union Ballroom
This event welcomes any students who are interested in careers in United Nations, international non-profit and/or intergovernmental organizations. A representative from United Nations Recruiting Team will deliver the main presentation. Panelists who used to work, or are currently working in this field are invited to share their experiences. Detailed information on participating organizations and panelists will be updated on Handshake. This event is co-hosted by Area Study Centers and Illinois Model United Nations.
International Week: One World, One Campus
April 1st -7th
International Week is coming! Through numerous educational, cultural, and recreational events co-hosted by student groups, centers, colleges, units, and local partners, International Week aims to raise awareness about the breadth of international education, activities, and resources available in our community. Events include an international fair, mini language lessons, an Asian night market, an international children’s celebration, and more! To see the events in the International Week, please click here.
Job Market Success Panel
Friday, April 5th, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Coble Hall 304
Are you a graduate student? In this panel, you will hear from graduate students and postdocs who have just landed jobs. They are going to share with you how they found a job. One side note is that domestic students’ experiences may not be totally applicable to international students. However, it is still a great chance to learn from their stories.
Getting Ready for Next Year’s Faculty Job Search Workshop
Friday, April 6th, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Wohlers 166
Are you thinking about landing a job in higher education? In a few short months the academic hiring cycle will begin. You will learn about the recruitment cycle in academia and help yourself to prepare ahead!
U.S.- China Innovation Development Forum
Friday, April 6th, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, National Center for Supercomputing Applications 1122, 1030, &1040
U.S. - China Innovation Development Forum at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is the largest U.S.-China academic communication platform held by a student organization in the Midwest. The 2018 Innovation and Development Forum will majorly focus on China-U.S. relationship, Chinese brand in global market and technology & innovation, and business start-up and employment. More than 20 external business/technology professionals are invited. The official language of this event is English. RSVP is required. Please register here.
China Star Optoelectronics Technology (CSOT) Info Session
Sunday, April 8th, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM, The Career Center Interview Suite Room 213
China Star Optoelectronics Technology (CSOT, also called Shenzhen Huaxing Photoelectric Technology) is a China based display producer (owned by TCL, Century Science & Technology Investment and Samsung Display). The company is producing small and large LCD panels and is developing OLED technologies. After the info session, they will have group interviews from 4 -7 PM at The Career Center Interview Suite. Then, they will hold individual interviews on April 9th & 10th at Engineering Career Service.
RedStone Info Session
Wednesday, April 18th, 18:00 PM - 19:30 PM, BIF Room 1025
Are you passionate about the fashion and retailing industry? If so, you may have an interest in RedStone Haute Couture’s information session. RedStone is an international company in the luxury management industry. They are looking for talents in different fields. This info session is invitation only, you need to submit your resume to “yyy@redstone.com.cn ” to receive invitation letter. For further information about the info session, please click here. To learn more about RedStone, please check here.
Sun Yat-sen University Info Session
Wednesday, April 25th, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Illini Union 209
Sun Yat-sen University, abbreviated SYSU is a public research university in China. They are looking for talents in various fields. To register, please click here.
Book of the Week
Unlock the Hidden Job Market
Writers: Duncan Mathison
Main Topic: how to search for opportunities besides looking into job searching websites like Indeed and Simply Hired
Usually, job searching websites may be your intuitive option when you start searching for jobs. However, there are other methods that you may try to look for opportunities. To find out if this book is available at The Career Center Resource Library, please click here.
If you would like to introduce this newsletter to your friends, forward them this link (https://illinois.edu/gm/subscribe/10045) or send an email to, Miranda Meng yhmeng2@illinois.edu. If you want to unsubscribe from this newsletter, click here.