Hi INTLconnect members,
This is the 173rd issue of The Career Center’s INTLconnect Newsletter. This newsletter is a weekly e-newsletter covering career-related information for international students of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For regular career services and programs for international students, see www.careercenter.illinois.edu/INTLconnect and our INTLconnect at Illinois LinkedIn group. To see the previous issues of this newsletter, please visit our INTLconnect Newsletter Blog.
Global Careers: Careers at UN and International Organizations
Thursday, April 26th, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Illini Union Ballroom
This event welcomes any students who are interested in careers in United Nations, international non-profit and/or intergovernmental organizations. A representative from United Nations Recruiting Team will deliver the main presentation. Panelists who used to work, or are currently working in this field are invited to share their experiences. Detailed information on participating organizations and panelists will be updated on Handshake. This event is co-hosted by Area Study Centers and Illinois Model United Nations.
INTL Weekly Internships/ Jobs (the week of April 8th)
Various Positions at The Career Center (On Campus)
There are many graduate assistant and undergraduate intern positions. For example, marketing and communication intern, graphic design and multimedia intern, and so on. To apply or look for more information, please click here.
Enterprise 50 (E50) Intern at KPMG (Singapore)
The E50 Awards recognizes local, privately-held companies who have contributed to economic development in Singapore and abroad. This intern will work closely with companies apply to participate in this event. Please click here for further information.
Graduate Analyst at Macquarie Group (Hong Kong)
The Innovative Equity Solutions team sits within the Cash Equities business of CGM and the division operates a global cash equities distribution platform which provides clients with access to research, sales, sales trading, corporate access and Equity Capital Markets. They are looking for graduate with previous internship experience within the Financial Services field. Please check here for further information.
Upcoming Events/Workshops/Info Sessions On Campus
RedStone Info Session
Wednesday, April 18th, 18:00 PM - 19:30 PM, BIF Room 1025
Are you passionate about the fashion and retailing industry? If so, you may have an interest in RedStone Haute Couture’s information session. RedStone is an international company in the luxury management industry. They are looking for talents in different fields. This info session is invitation only, you need to submit your resume to “yyy@redstone.com.cn ” to receive invitation letter. For further information about the info session, please click here. To learn more about RedStone, please check here.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Recruitment Info Session
Thursday, April 12th, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM, B02 Coordinated Science Laboratory
Thursday, April 12th, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM, Lincoln Hall 1027
It is the second campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). They are looking for talent whose research interests cover finance, marketing, accountancy, logistics, statistics, mathematics, computer, electronic information, energy, materials, biomedicine, and humanities and social science. For more information, please check Handshake.
Tsinghua University Faculty Recruitment Info Session
Thursday, April 19th, 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM, NCSA 1122
Tsinghua University is a member of the C9 League of Chinese universities. They are Full Professors, Associate Professors or Senior Researchers from Leading Universities and Institutes Young Talents, Doctors, Postdocs, Assistant Professors from Leading Universities and Institutes. Lunch will be provided. To learn more details, please check Handshake.
Sun Yat-sen University Recruitment Info Session
Wednesday, April 25th, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Illini Union 209
Sun Yat-sen University, abbreviated SYSU is a public research university in China. They are looking for talents in various fields. To register, please click here.
Other Upcoming Events/Workshops
TianChi Competition: Pre-Recruitment Program of Alibaba Group
Tianchi, powered by Alibaba Cloud is the leading global hackathon-like competition platform connecting the software developers and data scientists with businesses and governments globally to solve the toughest business problems across industries. Three competition topics are below. Please note that the deadlines of the applications differ by 3 topics. The earliest one is April 21st. For more information, please check Handshake.
- FashionAI Global Challenge 2018: Make AI Insight into Fashion (up to 1.34 million RMB prize)
- IJCAI-18: Alimama International; Advertising Algorithm Competition (up to $10,000 prize)
- ICPR 2018 CHALLENGE: Robust Reading for Multi-Type Web Image (total prize pool: 100,000 RMB)
Book of the Week
Fearless Salary Negotiation: A step-by-step guide to getting paid what you're worth
Writers: Josh Doody
Main Topic: salary negotiation
You can expect to read more about salary structure and the method of requesting raise. To find out if this book is available at The Career Center Resource Library, please click here.
If you would like to introduce this newsletter to your friends, forward them this link (https://illinois.edu/gm/subscribe/10045) or send an email to, Miranda Meng yhmeng2@illinois.edu. If you want to unsubscribe from this newsletter, click here.