This year, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we are piloting our #RelatableRelationships Week series. This set of programs will be filled with workshops, panels, and discussion groups around how to engage in healthy and responsible relationships, beyond the typical lens of not perpetuating abuse. What are things we want to cultivate in our relationships with friends, roommates, and partners? What needs and wants do we want fulfilled in our different relationships? Topics include:
Relationships in the Age of Apps How Do I Live with This Person? Navigating Living Spaces and Communication #RelationshipGoals: What the Media Tells Us Real Relationship Stories (a panel of student speakers) Bystander Intervention (ICARE specific for Relatable Relationships) How Do I Relationship? (IHeart for Relatable Relationships)
#RelatableRelationships week creates the space to explore the nuances of dating, talking, hooking up, and relationships, through programs that are FOR students, BY students.
Monday, October 22
Event Details: Relationships in the Age of Apps
7:00-8:00pm | Allen Hall
Sponsored by The Women’s Resources Center, The Counseling Center, and Allen Hall
How do dating apps influence our romantic relationships and friendships? This event focuses on two critical ideas: why we use dating apps in the first place and how these apps influence the way we talk with others.
“Relationships in the Age of Apps” aims to normalize how widespread dating apps are on college campuses—over 27% of millennials in the US have used Tinder—while acknowledging the healthy and fun aspects of using these apps in different types of relationships.
Tuesday, October 23
Event Details: I Heart Healthy Relationships
7:00-8:00pm | Women’s Resources Center
Sponsored by The Women’s Resources Center, The Counseling Center, and Students Against Sexual Assault
In this interactive session, Students Against Sexual Assault (SASA) will lead a discussion with peers about what healthy relationships looks like. I HEART includes activities on effective communication, the role of “needs” and “deal-breakers” in relationships, how to support survivors of dating abuse, and information about available support services on campus.
Wednesday, October 24
Event Details: ICARE Bystander Intervention
8:00-9:00pm | Illini Union Room 209
Sponsored by The Women’s Resources Center, The Counseling Center, and Girl Up
Girl Up helps to advocate for global change for girls, and will be hosting a workshop on bystander intervention for #RelatableRelationships Week. This discussion will provide students with practical ways to step up and interrupt, or stop problematic behaviors when they witness them on our campus.
Friday, October 26
Event Details: Real Relationship Stories
3-4pm | Asian American Cultural Center (part of Global Engagement Lounge)
Sponsored by The Women’s Resources Center, The Counseling Center, OIIR-International Education, and Asian American Cultural Center
Come and enjoy a chance to hear real life relationship stories from your peers! This will be a question and answer session about the formation and maintenance of healthy relationships.