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School of Social Work News

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  • Summer Study in Italy and France

    The University of Illinois Landscape Architecture summer semester program in Italy and France offers students an opportunity to engage in the past and present designs of bothcountries’ landscapes, architectural styles, ecologies, art and culture. Students are invited from a variety of disciplines, including landscape architecture, architecture, urban planning, art, history, and ecology.

    Led by Landscape Architecture Instructor & Designer in Residence, Katherine Kraszewska, and History Visiting Faculty Gracjan Kraszewski, the program consists of an 8-week study based in Cremolino, Italy. The program will run from May 19 to July 13th and is offered through the Landscape Architecture Department at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. The experience comprises site-visits—including to Milan, Genoa, Cinque Terre, Florence, and Siena—along with investigations of Tuscan and Roman cultural landscapes, lectures by tutors, French instructors and historians, and, finally, a ten day focus on the French countryside surrounding Paris, Versailles, and Le Mont Saint-Michel. The students will also participate in an intensive course in Italian and French Literature and History, all the while being immersed in the host countries’ culture and language while living communally in the Casa Wallace mansion that will serve as the group’s base.For Any questions, Please contact Katy Kraszewska at and visit the program website to register: (registration form)

  • Study Abroad Application Deadline

    The application deadline for students to study abroad during the Fall or Summer 2019 is February 15.  Deadlines vary by program, so check out the online brochure pages for exact deadlines.

  • 2019 Undergraduate Creative Writing Awards

    Deadline: Noon, Monday, February 25, 2019

    The English Department announces its annual undergraduate literary competitions in Short Fiction and Poetry. Depending on available funding, there will be 2-3 prizes in Fiction and 2-3 in Poetry this year. Past prizes have ranged from $100 to $1000. Stay tuned to for further information and any reminders/updates.

    Contest rules are as follows:

    Short Fiction:  no contestant may submit more than one unpublished story (7500 words, maximum length)

    Poetry:  no contestant may submit more than 200 lines, as a single unpublished poem or a group of unpublished poems

    Only UIUC undergraduate students are eligible to compete. To be considered for a prize, submissions must adhere to the following rules. All submissions must be sent to the following email address: Depending on your entry (poetry or fiction), the subject line of your email message must read as follows: UNDERGRAD POETRY or UNDERGRAD FICTION (not both). If you enter in both categories (poetry and fiction), you will need to send separate emails. Your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, net id, status (undergrad), and UIN number must appear in the body of the email. Your fiction OR poetry entry is to be contained in one attachment (doc, docx, or rtf only), the name of which must be as follows: contest category followed by your last name, such as FICTIONJONES or POETRYJONES. Your name should not appear in the attachment itself.

  • Apply to Work @ the ILC!

    Are you a student looking for a rewarding on-campus job for the 2019-2020 Academic Year? Look no further! We are hiring for a variety of positions, and we want YOU to join the ILC family. Learn more here:

    Apply now:

  • Gilman International Scholarship Program Informational Events 1/31 & 2/1

    Are you interested in study abroad, but concerned about the cost?

    The Gilman International Scholarship Program provides awards of $5,000 (plus up to a $3,000 supplement for critical languages) for U.S. citizen undergraduate students to pursue summer, semester, or academic-year study abroad opportunities in other countries. This is a need based award, and to be eligible, students currently must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant. 

    The National and International Scholarships Program will assist in reviewing your scholarship application material. In fact, we welcome the opportunity to help make your application more competitive!  To get you started, we are offering a two-day informational event about the Gilman Scholarship.

    Gilman International Scholarship Information Session

    Location: 807 S. Wright St. Floor 5 (514 IUB)

    Date: January 31, 2019   3:30 - 4:30 pm  

    Gilman International Scholarship Writing Workshop

    Location: 807 S. Wright St. Floor 5 (514 IUB)

    Date: February 1, 2019   3:00 - 4:00 pm  

    For more information, contact the scholarships office at or visit our website at

  • Become a McKinley Fitness Peer!

    Become a McKinley Fitness Peer!

    The Health Education Unit of McKinley Health Center is looking for student leaders interested in fitness and overall health. Our Fitness Peers are volunteers that are dedicated to spreading awareness to others about the benefits of fitness and wellness through workshops, campaigns, and events. Our Fitness Peers are competent and passionate individuals who enjoy working with others across campus and in the C-U community. Enhance your leadership skills and meet new people on campus who share the same interests as you!

    Limited time to join: Fitness Peers information meeting will be held at the ARC in meeting room 2 on Monday February 4th at 4pm.

    For more information please contact and follow us on FB & Instagram @FitnessPeersUIUC

  • Stress Management Peer (SMP) Leaders

    McKinley Heath Center’s Health Education Unit is seeking volunteers to become Stress Management Peer (SMP) Leaders. SMP is dedicated to providing education & awareness to UI students on stress-related topics and concerns. We facilitate stress-related workshops; participate in campus-wide program planning and other organized events while embracing the diversity of our campus. This is a great opportunity to enhance leadership skills and meet new and interesting people. Strong communication skills desired. This hands-on experience is a great volunteer opportunity!

    Learn to Stress Less! Limited time to join!

    Interest session will be held at the Illini Union, Room 406 on Wednesday, January 23rd at 5:00 p.m. For more information please contact Jessica:

  • Mary Ramier Grant for Undergraduate Women

    The Mary Ramier Grant is set up to inspire undergraduate women to develop as successful leaders, activists, and professionals.  Mary Ramier, a 1923 graduate of the University of Illinois, was an attorney and activist from Indianapolis, IN.   She was remembered for tackling problems in her Irvington neighborhood, including a petition drive that led to much-needed urban renovation.  She also worked at the national level as an attorney and officer for the Mortar Board National Senior Women’s Honorary.

    The grant will be awarded competitively and can be used to

    Support research research travel research materials such as books, recording equipment, etc. conference travel Creative projects such as, but not limited to zines films plays Field trips that are related to gender and women’s studies Other activities that promote the advancement of women 


    Awards are usually between $50 and $500.  The Gender and Women’s Studies awards committee will determine the amount and number of awards per year based on the merit of individual proposals and financial need.  Money will not be awarded for tuition costs or living expenses.   

    Requirements: All undergraduate women in good standing are eligible to apply.  Applicants should fill out an application form, and include the name of a faculty member who might be called for reference. 

    Fall Semester Deadline:                October 1

    Spring Semester Deadline:           March 1

    For more information about the grant, please contact Jacque Kahn at the Department of Gender & Women’s Studies by e-mail:


  • Upcoming Career Center Events

    Tuesday, January 22

    Peace Corps General Information Session  ​​5 - 6 p.m.​, The Career Center, Conference Room 143, 715 S Wright St. 

    Creating Your Powerful Resume  ​​6 - 7 p.m.​, The Career Center, Conference Room 143, 715 S Wright St. 

    Thursday, January 24 

    Career Fairs: Maximizing Your Experience 4:30 - 5:30 p.m., The Career Center, Conference Room 143, 715 S Wright St. 

    Monday, January 28

    Career Fairs: Maximizing Your Experience 5 - 6 p.m., The Career Center, Conference Room 143, 715 S Wright St. 

    Thursday, January 31

    Snack Bite: Exploring Health Professions (Explore)  ​​4:15 - 4:45 p.m.​, The Career Center, Conference Room 143,715 S Wright St. 

  • May 2019 Graduation Announcement

    Saturday, May 11, 2019, at Tryon Festival Theatre, Krannert

    The ceremony will begin at 2:00 p.m.  Students should arrive at 1:00 p.m. to line up.

    The final deadline to order attire online is April 24, 2019 at 10:00 p.m.