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School of Social Work News

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  • Pre-Law September Events for Students and Alumni

    First, an update on the Pre-Law listserv: We moved to a new model in which everyone can self-manage their pre-law listserv membership. What does this mean? Everyone with an email can add or remove themselves at In the “search lists” box, type “prelaw” to add yourself to our listserv: Once you are added, you will receive our weekly email and can remove yourself at any time.

    September Events—We have updated our fall Event Calendar here. Please feel free to share these upcoming September events with any interested students or alumni.

    Pre-Law 101—Sept. 10 at 4:00, Oct. 2 at 4:00, Oct. 22 at 4:00, Nov. 13 at 4:00.

    Each Pre-Law 101 session is the same. Incoming first-year students should attend a Pre-Law 101 prior to setting up an individual pre-law advising appointment. 

    Law School Fair—September 26 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC). 

    Law School Admission Panel—September 25 at 7:00 pm in Lincoln Hall 1002. 

    Applying to Law School Webinar Series—This fall we are offering multiple webinars on various aspects of the law school application process. Registration is open here. The first two sessions are:

    Letters of Recommendation—Sept. 14 at 2:00 pm

    Using the Credential Assembly Service and Candidate Referral Service—Sept. 28 at 2:00 pm

    Perfecting Your Personal Statement and Resume for Law School—Sept. 17 at 4:00. 

  • The Mindful Student: Discovering Your Strengths and Re-imagining Success

    The Mindful Student: Discovering Your Strengths and Re-imagining Success
    Tuesday, September 11
    1028 Lincoln Hall

    Did you know that taking a more mindful approach can improve your academic performance as well as your overall well-being?  In this workshop you'll participate in several hands-on activities (and take home a writing tool for further use), while learning about other resources on campus that can help you in your pursuit of meaningful academic and personal goals.  Please join us!  No pre-registration necessary.

    Questions can be directed to

  • Alternative Seasonal Breaks

    You're who we've been waiting for! Alternative Seasonal Breaks (ASB) is having its first meeting/info sessions of the semester on Sunday 9/16, Monday 9/17, and Tuesday 9/18 at 6pm at the University YMCA. We know you're tired of pizza by now so we promise we will mix it up a bit!

    ASB is a non-profit volunteer rso at UIUC and an affiliate of the University YMCA. ASB sends U of I students on nationwide service trips twice throughout the year (winter and spring break). ASB participants travel throughout the country to learn about and actively combat social justice and environmental issues. Trips concern issues such as homelessness, poverty, animals, healthcare, environment, and many more. Each trip offers participants a unique, hands-on opportunity to make a difference in the lives of both communities and individuals nationwide. In preparation for each trip, participants meet weekly to reflect on issues, promote awareness, volunteer within the Urbana-Champaign community, and to simply get to know one another prior to their week together.

    If this sounds like something you are interested in, please contact Diamond Ruffin or Jacob Kraft at for more information and to be added to the email list. Also, visit the website!

  • Bailey International Service Travel Scholarships Now Open

    The FRED S. BAILEY INTERNATIONAL SERVICE TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP FOR CAUSE-DRIVEN LEADERS offers scholarships of $600-1800 dollars to University of Illinois undergraduate and Master's level graduate students leading international service projects who plan to travel within the specified period.  Recipients will be selected on the basis of their demonstrated commitment to the project/program, long-term career goals in international development or related fields, the trip’s potential impact on the student’s learning and professional development, potential for positive impact on the host community and financial need. If selected, all recipients must participate in a 6-week online pre-departure course. 

    Application Period 1

    (For trips that occur between December 20, 2018 - August 30, 2019) Applications Open: August 27, 2018 Application Deadline: October 1, 2018

    To learn more and apply, visit: <>


    Bailey International Travel Scholarship Info Session | September 10, 5 - 6 pm

    Bailey International Travel Scholarship Info Session | September 19, 12 - 1 pm

  • VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Stress Management Peer Leaders

    McKinley Heath Center’s Health Education Unit is seeking volunteers to become Stress Management Peer (SMP) Leaders. SMP is dedicated to providing education & awareness to UI students on stress-related topics and concerns. We facilitate stress-related workshops; participate in campus-wide program planning and other organized events while embracing the diversity of our campus. This is a great opportunity to enhance leadership skills and meet new and interesting people. Strong communication skills desired. This hands-on experience is a great volunteer opportunity!

    Learn to Stress Less! Limited time to join!

    Interest session will be held at the Illini Union, Room 404 on Wednesday, September 5 at 5:00 p.m. For more information please contact Jessica:

  • Study Abroad in Greece Summer 2019 Information Session

    WHAT COURSES ARE YOU TAKING THIS SPRING 2019? How about: “An innovative, experiential course offering which culminates in Greece”?


    DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE REFUGEES and UNACCOMPANIED MINORS IN OUR COMMUNITY?                                                           HOW CAN YOU HELP?




    Join the School of Social Work, IAGE, and surprise guests to learn more about:

    WHAT:  a Social Work study abroad, faculty-led class

    WHEN: Thursday, September 20, 2018;   12pm-1pm

    WHERE: School of Social Work, 1010 West Nevada, Urbana; ROOM 2015

    WHAT ABOUT: Informational - course offering (SOCW330/561); 10 weeks in the U.S. and 2 weeks in Athens, Greece (May 11-May 25, 2019)

  • YWCA's Women in Leadership internship program

    Women in Leadership (WIL) is an intensive, two semester leadership and project management internship. Structured as a group consulting project, the internship allows interns to work directly with local human services agencies to learn about the nonprofit sector; identify organizational challenges; and research, propose, and implement solutions over the course of a school year.

    In the fall, interns conduct research in a team about challenges that their assigned agency is facing, and in the spring, implement a project based on their research to provide solutions. The YWCA supplements interns’ work with additional training focusing on professional development, leadership skills, and building a working team, all of which are applied to team projects. Interns are guided through this process by mentors drawn from Urbana-Champaign’s excellent professional and graduate student pools.

    Applications are due September 20th. For more information visit the YWCA website

  • Illinois in Washington Information Session

    Illinois in Washington (Spring 2019 Washington, DC Internships): Information Session, September 11th, 5-6 PM Illinois in Washington (IIW) is an academic internship program open to all U of I undergraduates. Participants live and intern in Washington, DC, while taking U of I classes.  IIW offers an exceptional opportunity to gain rewarding work experience while enjoying the political, intellectual, and cultural experiences than only the nation's capital can offer.  Student internships have included positions with members of Congress, think tanks, consulting groups, social justice organizations, and government agencies.  Come and join us for an unforgettable semester in one of the most exciting cities in the world.  Our information session will provide a brief overview of the program.  The application deadline for the spring 2019 term is October 1st.  Application instructions are available at

    INFORMATION SESSION DATE AND TIME: September 11, 2018, 5-6 PM
    LOCATION: David Kinley Hall, Room 106

  • Kevin T. Early Memorial Scholarship for Freshman Students

    Deadline:  Friday, October 12, 2018

                               Amount:  $2,000

    Eligibility:  Any student with freshman standing at UIUC for the 2018-2019 school year and who has demonstrated an aptitude for and a skill in writing poetry.

    Rules:  Students must submit 5 poems.  The complete manuscript should not exceed 5 pages.

    Deadline for application:  October 12, 2018

    Contact and Submission Information:  Deb Stauffer, Department of English, 208 English Building, MC-718, 608 S. Wright Street, Urbana, IL  61801.  Phone:  (217) 333-2391 (

    The name, address, phone number, e-mail, and UIN of the writer are to appear on a title sheet that will be separate from the entry.  The writer’s name is not to appear on the entry itself.  Entries will not be returned.

    This scholarship is made possible from an endowment

    by William and Donna Early in memory of their son Kevin,

    who would have been a freshman at UIUC

  • Constitution Day 2018: Tolerance Means Dialogue - Scholarship Opportunity

    Tolerance Means Dialogue at University of Illinois in Urbana on September 17, 2018 at 7 PM and the Tolerance Means Dialogue Scholarship.  

    When values like non-discrimination interact with faith, many see friction and no solutions. We see a better way: talking to each other. The Tolerance Means Dialogues are about working together to move forward, not about re-litigating the past. The Dialogue draws on your insights about more constructive ways to live together with our differences. 

    Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit a 500-word essay on what tolerance means to themEssays are due September 10, 2018. Two winning essayists will be awarded a $750 scholarship and take center stage at the Dialogue.  All students who attend can also compete for Social Engagement Prize of $250 by tweeting questions and comments @ToleranceMeans. More details can be found in the poster attached below.

    You can read more about the Tolerance Means Dialogues here:

    Moderated by Gretchen Winter, University of Illinois Gies College of Business, this dialogue will cover Religious Liberty and the Culture War over LGBT Rights: Can University Students Make a Difference? The dialogue will feature Dialogue Catalysts Shannon Minter, Legal Director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights and Robin Fretwell Wilson, University of Illinois College of Law, along with our winning essayists.  Chancellor Robert Jones will open the Dialogue with remarks and a welcome.