Summer in Champaign-Urbana has begun! As soon as Commencement and Convocation ceremonies wrapped up, and all our May visitors traveled back to their hometowns (along with their Illinois students) this place feels changed overnight.
Various perceptions exist about what campus is like during these summer months. Certainly, the pace at the College is different during summer, but as many educators know, summer is not necessarily a three-month vacation! We are hard at work getting ready for the fall semester, already. Students may not be filling the hallways, but faculty and staff are making steady progress on long-term initiatives or new research projects, papers, and events to launch during the upcoming academic year.
Everyone has a place at the College of Education during these summer months. It’s a great time for alumni and friends to stop by for a visit and see what’s new and exciting. We love meeting family members and future Illini, too! Please make sure to contact the Office of Advancement when you are visiting campus; we’d love to connect with you.
Looking ahead to the fall, and as you’ll read more about in this issue of Alumni Update, we have three major milestones that celebrate the College’s reputation as a leader in innovation. Save the dates for our Celebrating Innovation events, happening September 26 – 27, 2019. You’re invited to join us for three events to commemorate the College’s past and future as a hub of educational innovation. The 15th Annual Goldstick Family Lecture in the Study of Communications Disorders kicks off our festivities on Thursday, September 26, featuring former Illinois vice provost and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dr. Ruth Watkins as the keynote lecturer. Watkins now serves as president of the University of Utah.
Then on September 27, the much-anticipated O’Leary Learning Center Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening event happens at the Education Building. We can’t wait to showcase this new collaboration and technology focused space.
Finally, this year the Bureau of Educational Research celebrates 100 Years of Education and Social History, and we’ll give special recognition to this unique arm of the College and hear from thought leaders on the direction of future leading-edge research and advances coming from the Bureau. Watch for more details in a Save the Date email to your inbox, soon.
Helen Keller said, “The place between your comfort zone and your dreams is where life takes place.” This couldn’t be more true for the College of Education right now, as—with your support, our alumni and friends—we stretch to realize new goals and dreams. It’s a tremendous place to be!
Yours in Orange and Blue,
Lisa Denson-Rives
Assistant Dean for Advancement
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