Fall is a special time in the College of Education: students join us on campus, excited for their future and the endless possibilities it holds; faculty are recharged, with new classes and research and outreach initiatives; and in the Education building, we are debuting fully renovated classrooms and spaces for our students to learn and grow.
The College is shaping the future of education: by creating cutting-edge teaching and learning environments, thanks to the generosity of private donors like the O'Leary family; and by training up teacher-leaders and teacher-advocates to ensure access to education for all.
Join us to recognize and celebrate the College's commitment to being a hub of educational innovation and scholarship. The 15th Annual Goldstick Family Lecture in the Study of Communication Disorders happens on Thursday, September 26, featuring former Illinois vice provost and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dr. Ruth Watkins as the keynote lecturer. Watkins now serves as president of the University of Utah.
Then on Friday, September 27, the much-anticipated O’Leary Learning Center Grand Opening event takes place at the Education Building. We can’t wait to showcase this new collaborative and technology-focused space. Contact our office at advancement@education.illinois.edu with any questions regarding these events.
Further into fall, we look forward to seeing College of Education alumni who visit campus for Homecoming 2019 festitivies, or in Chicagoland at one of several planned Illini Days event, happening from November 18-22.
During this groundbreaking time within the College, we are reminded that these opportunities are only possible with the ongoing and generous support of donors like you. For this, we are extremely grateful. Thank you!
Yours in Orange and Blue,
Lisa Denson-Rives
Assistant Dean for Advancement
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