As 2019 comes to a close, we take this opportunity to look back on what has truly been a milestone year for the College of Education at Illinois.
The theme of the College's 2019 Impact Report is "Big Bold Breakthroughs" and within this Alumni Update email, you will see just a few examples. You can also view the full 2019 Impact Report at our website for more stories about how Education at Illinois is shaping the future of education—regionally, nationally, and worldwide.
The newly-opened O'Leary Learning Center is a big, bold space that is already catalyzing the breakthrough collaborative work of students, faculty, and staff. In addition to cutting-edge classrooms, it includes an accessible, inviting, tech-friendly common area that previously didn't exist. This transformation of part of the Education Building would not have been possible without a gift of private support from alumni Richard and Ann O'Leary.
Our alumni continue to make us proud—whether influencing education research and policy, advancing workforce development, broadening access through educational technology, or affecting young lives within the classroom. We look forward to sharing our alumni successes throughout the year, so please reach out to the Office of Advancement and share your achievements.
Alumni donors are truly integral to the College's future of big innovations, bold impact, and breakthrough research. The milestones we have celebrated in 2019 would not have existed without generous support. Just imagine what 2020 could bring! As you think about your year-end philanthropy on Giving Tuesday, and throughout December, please consider a gift to the College of Education.
Yours in Orange and Blue,
Lisa Denson-Rives
Assistant Dean for Advancement
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