To download the QIA and view additional information about the KSSC QIA please visit our KSSC QIA page. To print these instructions, please download the KSSC QIA instructions (pdf).
The Knowledge and Skills for Service Coordinators (KSSC) Quality Indicator Assessment (QIA) is a tool intended to support the preparation and training of current and future Service Coordinators (SCs) as they develop the knowledge and skills necessary to provide high-quality services for children and families in Part C Early Intervention (EI). The KSSC QIA can be used to support or guide:
- pre-service instruction for future service coordinators;
- initial training for new hires;
- initial or ongoing self-assessments;
- reflective supervision between an SC and their supervisor/coach;
- periodic or annual performance reviews to help identify areas where ongoing professional development may be needed;
- ongoing professional development;
- celebration of strengths and gains; and
- identification of individuals capable of leading/mentoring others.
Use the following rating scale to help guide the classification provided for each KSSC and its elements.
- Not Apparent - no evidence of knowledge and skills (e.g. no awareness/application)
- Emerging - understands some foundational knowledge and demonstrates skills (e.g. understands and is able to explain why the knowledge and skills are essential and are not yet able to apply them in practice on a consistent basis)
- Evident - demonstrates the ability to apply and practice knowledge and skills (e.g. understands and applies knowledge and skills on a consistent basis)
- Proficient - demonstrates, applies, and generalizes knowledge and skills in practice (e.g. applies skills in all settings/situations)
- Exemplary - distinguished in the ability to demonstrate, apply, generalize knowledge and skills AND leads, teaches and mentor others in their understanding and use of knowledge and skills (e.g. teaches, leads or mentors other new or experienced service coordinators not yet proficient in their knowledge and skills)
Use this space to document evidence that supports the classification identified for each KSSC element. Include additional comments or suggestions as appropriate.
Additional Support:
Tools that can support the determination of your ratings include:
Overall Assessment/Summary of Strengths/Areas of Need:
Use this section to provide the overall assessment of the classification that matches the knowledge and skills demonstrated by the individual (not apparent, emerging, evident, proficient, exemplary or “working towards” one of the classifications). Include a summary of strengths and areas of need identified through the assessment.
Short & Long Term Goals:
Identify short and long-term goals to help achieve necessary KSSC. This can be done independently or jointly if the KSSC QIA is being completed with a supervisor, coach, or faculty member. When applicable, individuals in a position of leadership should support the SC (or future SC) in the implementation of strategies to build upon their strengths and improve upon areas that require growth.
Identify professional development activities, resources, and opportunities to address gaps by pairing the individual with a peer, mentor, or coach to support practice, reflection, and application of new knowledge and skills.
Document who completed the QIA and the date it was completed to establish a timeline for a review to revisit progress.
Implementation Follow-up
Progress Notes:
Share any lesson learned, progress, achievements, revised goals, updated strategies, and/or anything worth documenting.
Document who completed the QIA follow-up and the date it was completed to establish a timeline for a review to revisit progress.
Upon Completion of the KSSC QIA
Full Summary of Findings and Conclusions:
Upon completion of the full KSSC QIA, supervisors and staff may choose to document a summary of findings, action steps and any conclusions made as a result of completing the KSSC QIA. This is intended to summarize the full KSSC QIA and should not be used in isolation or as a substitute for the KSSC QIA rating scale sheets.
KSSC & SC Activities Reflection Worksheet:
The KSSC & SC Activities Reflection Worksheet (pdf) may be used as an accompaniment to the KSSC QIA Full Summary of Findings and Conclusions (pdf) and/or the KSSC Self-Assessment Tool. The purpose of this Worksheet is to provide the service coordinator an opportunity to reflect and share more about activities and areas of their work they enjoy, don’t enjoy, where they need support and what they feel that support might look like. It may also aid in performance evaluations and progress reviews intended to prepare, support, and retain a high-quality service coordination workforce.
Suggested Uses by Intended Audience
The following groups or individuals may use the KSSC QIA in the following ways:
- Supervisors can use the KSSC QIA 1) to support the onboarding of new service coordinators by assessing baseline knowledge and skills, 2) for periodic and/or annual performance reviews, 3) to help identify gaps that could be filled through an ongoing professional development plan, and 4) to identify individuals with exemplary skills who can help lead/mentor others.
- Service Coordinators may utilize the KSSC QIA, or the KSSC Self-Assessment Tool, independently in preparation for a joint discussion with a supervisor using the KSSC QIA, to assess and track their own progress, identify professional learning goals/strategies, develop a professional portfolio highlighting areas of strength, and plan fo their own ongoing professional development to support areas of need.
- Service Coordinators and Supervisors can complete the KSSC QIA individually followed by a joint discussion to 1) review, compare and discuss findings, 2) celebrate strengths and gains, and 3) identify areas for growth and a plan for improvement.
- Supervisors, Programs, and/or Faculty may choose to assign point values to the classifications (Not Apparent - 0 to Exemplary - 4) and establish a minimum benchmark they would like service coordinators (or future service coordinators) to achieve. When applicable, this expectation needs to be communicated with the individual, and supervisors, programs, and/or faculty should be committed to supporting the individual as they work to achieve benchmarks AND their educational and/or professional goals.
- Faculty can use the KSSC QIA to 1) develop their syllabus, 2) help future service coordinators assess their knowledge/skill strengths and gaps, and 3) to check for understanding and readiness for the workforce.