Hello College of Nursing community-
As some of you may remember, last spring we held a week-long celebration of the artistic contributions of students, staff and faculty in the CON. We would like to propose an encore if people are interested.
We invite you to share your creative side, in whatever form that might take:
~visual arts such as painting/drawing/photography
~jewelry/metal work
~written work
If this is of interest to you, please let us know. We will designate a week in April to exhibit your works and to recognize in an opening reception the wealth of artistic expression in the CON.
Along with Dr. Rose Hernandez, Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion and Hermione Chadwick, Grad Entry student, we encourage you to let us know
if you are interested in participating in/supporting this effort. Please email me at: ggorman@uic.edu. Once we hear from you, will send out further details.
Wishing you all a peaceful week,
Geraldine Gorman RN PhD FAAN
Clinical Professor Kathleen M. Irwin Endowed Chair in Outstanding Clinical Practice College of Nursing University of Illinois Chicago