UIC offers many resources and offices on campus dedicated to supporting a student's holistic well-being — including social, academic, mental & physical. The Office of the Dean of Students invites students to participate in U&I Care Week, March 10-14, 2025.
This year's theme is Fuel Yourself: Mind, Body, and Soul, primarily focusing on raising awareness and highlighting the importance of supporting students' basic needs.
The goal is to provide students with the encouragement and resources they need, particularly those experiencing basic needs insecurity. The weeklong events will highlight some of the great work offices on campus are doing and remind students that they can access many resources on campus.
Featured events:
3.10 - U&I Care Week Kickoff: Resource Campus Tour
3.11 - Campus Pantry Chef Challenge: Cooking with What's Available
3.12 - Book Nook and Exchange - Commuter Appreciation Week
3.13 - Laugh Factory – Whose Lie Is It Anyway?
3.14 - FREE UIC Fitness Class - Bollywood
For details, visit: go.uic.edu/careweek
Questions: Elizabeth Rodriguez elizarod@uic.edu