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Sustainable Design Opportunities & Events

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  • Join a Student Sustainability Committee Working Group!

    Most people who get involved with SSC start through membership in a working group. The Student Sustainability Committee has identified five focus areas for sustainability improvements on campus. Working groups will explore possible projects for future funding within each focus area (Education, Energy, Food & Waste, Land & Water, Transportation). Initial meetings are held October 5th-10th.

  • Climate Designer podcast launched by Prof Eric Benson

    Eric Benson, along with Kristian Bjornard and Marc O’Brien, created the podcast Behind the Syllabus as a way to share their journey with one another as they implemented new climate-focused projects and procedures during the spring 2020 semester. Includes examples of spring 2020 student work.

  • Intro to Design Thinking: Encouraging Insightful Innovation Using Design Thinking and Human-Centered Design

    Join this free webinar on Wed Oct 7th from 12-1pm CDT!


    -Definitions of human-centered design and design thinking and how they apply to real life

    -A simple overview of the design thinking process

    -Examples of how of the design thinking process arrived at simple and elegant solutions


    Offers academic scholarships to undergraduate students at the Univ of IL who will complete an unpaid internship with a public service agency or not-for profit organization. Awards are $1,000 for a part-time internship or $2,500 for a full-time internship and are given directly to the student. Apply for Spring 2021. Applications accepted October 5 - November 8. 



    A 7-month program designed to help University of Illinois students grow as responsible and engaged global citizens by supporting critical reflection, dialogue, and action across differences of culture and power. Bailey Global Scholars will participate in an online "Education through Global Engagement" program during the Spring 2021 semester culminating in a volunteer immersion (virtual or in person) capstone experience during Summer 2021. Participants will receive a $1000 scholarship for Spring '21. Applications accepted October 5 - November 8.

  • Join the Green Observer Team!

    The Green Observer is looking for team members to work collaboratively to produce the U of I's only entirely student-run environmental magazine. Email Taiya at to get involved!

  • Join the UIUC University YMCA newsletter on YMCA Environmental Issues

    The University Y develops campus and community leaders committed to social justice, environmental protection, interfaith cooperation and global engagement by fostering dialogue, reflection and action.



    The Career Center is looking for students that possess excellent communication, leadership, and organizational skills. CSPs are recruited and hired in the Spring semester for positions that begin the following Fall semester. The CSP role is a paid position. Click here to learn more. 

  • Buildings Don’t Need to Kill Birds: A conservation issue where anyone can make a difference

    Join this lecture from the Dept of Landscape Architecture on Monday, October 12, 5:30pm-6:30pm Central Time. Dr. Christine Sheppard (Ph.D., Cornell) is director of the Birds Collisions Campaign at the American Bird Conservancy and emeritus Curator of Birds at the Bronx Zoo, where she served from 1978 to 2009. Sheppard has conducted extensive research on modern structures and glass as lethal dangers to birds and ways to mitigate that problem through design. This lecture will take place online on Zoom, RSVP to receive the zoom link here.

  • LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Associate Exam & Training

    To earn the credential of LEED Green Associate, you must take an exam (now online) which is $100 for students or $250 for others. This credential is offered by the U.S. Green Building Council, a legitimate organization committed to green buildings and communities.

    If you are interested in this, you may want to consider the following opportunities for exam preparation:

  • Siebel Center for Design is currently hiring for two part-time student positions!

    Innovation at UIUC Mural team:

    Augmented Reality Experience Developer (Mural Project)

     The AR experience developer will collaborate with a team of designers and content developers in the design, prototyping, and deployment of an app for a massive data visualization to be displayed in the new Siebel Center for Design on Campus. 


    Playful by Design group:

    Game Engine Programmer (Playful by Design)

    We are currently looking for a bright student with game engine and programming knowledge. This assignment would focus on implementing choice-based scripts, visual and audio assets into either Unity or Unreal. The student employee would work on a team to create a working prototype of a choice-based design-teaching game by the end of the semester. 


  • The Idea Store: Lessons in Creative Reuse

    The Idea Store celebrates its 10th anniversary this fall, proving that creative reuse efforts can garner solid community support. Carol Jo Morgan, co-founder of The Idea Store, will share lessons learned, success stories, nuts and bolts, goals reached, and plans to move forward. October 8, 12–1 PM

  • Provost Undergraduate Student Advisory Board

    The Provost’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Board was created in 2007 to provide feedback on programs, policies, and initiatives established or supervised by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, including the Student Success Initiative. The application to join for the next application year can be found hereAll applications will be due by Friday, October 9, 2020 at 11:59pm CDT.


  • Made in Urbana launches new 3D printing studio

    Made in Urbana is the 3D printing studio local artists and makers have been waiting for. With a goal of "making small scale manufacturing accessible to small businesses within the Urbana community, it offers laser cutting and etching, and product consulting. Made in Urbana brings together the tools, tech skills and combined knowledge base of its network of artists and business. 

  • Transformative Teaching & Learning: Arts, Crafts, & Design in Engineering, Science & Medical Education.

    Scientist, humanist, and artist Bob Root-Bernstein argues that our 19th-century educational model of specialization no longer works given the multiple careers, retraining, and innovation required in a knowledge economy. He will discuss how creative people use the arts to drive innovation in STEM fields. Root-Bernstein studies metabolic control systems, autoimmune diseases, drug development, and the creative process in the sciences and arts. 10 a.m.-Noon | Thursday, Oct. 15 | Zoom link Password 774626

  • Udall Scholarship

    The Udall awards $7,000 to sophomores or juniors in any field who are taking action to address environmental concerns and are committed to a career related to the environment. Students must be US citizens, US nationals, or US permanent residents. A successful applicant will have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate leadership and a commitment to service. Join a Info session and application workshop on Nov 5 & 6. 

  • Designing a Backyard Garden to Attract Birds

    Champaign County Master Gardeners invite you to Designing a Backyard Garden to Attract Birds, via Zoom at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, October 27. The program will be presented by Dr. Michael P. Ward, an Associate Professor in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences and an Avian Ecologist at the Illinois Natural History Survey. Must register to receive zoom link.

  • WEGE PRIZE 2021: Design for a Circular Economy

    Wege Prize is an annual competition that ignites game-changing solutions for the future by inspiring college/university students around the world to collaborate across institutional, disciplinary, and cultural boundaries to redesign the way economies work.  Participants contend for over $30,000 in total cash prizes, all while helping to show the world what the future of problem-solving looks like. TEAM APPLICATION DUE 11/9/2020. 

  • Online Geothermal Research Workshop Set for Nov. 5

    "Low-Temperature Geothermal Research and Applications" will bring together scientists, engineers, practitioners, decision-makers, and stakeholders involved in low-temperature geothermal energy studies, developments, and policy-making. A group of experts from the U of I and national and international organizations will present on innovative research undertaken for low-temperature geothermal exchange, direct use heating and cooling, and underground thermal energy storage. 

    The event, which is free and open to the public, will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on the design, development, and use of these geothermal energy technologies. Attendees will be urged to participate in the discussions. The workshop is scheduled for 8:30-11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 5, on Zoom (Password: 226197) >>>

  • Designing in the Climate Crisis: Regenerative Design 101

    Our civilization stands at a tipping point, where we can choose to stay on the same path toward climate disaster or embrace hope, reject despair, to reshape our future. This talk with educate creatives about the risks of inactions surrounding climate change and in turn, empower them to take action through regenerative design resources and strategies. Thurs Oct 29, 2020 from 11:30-12:30 with Associate Professor of Graphic Design, Eric Benson.

  • Finding and Internship, IL Career Center

    Gaining experience while in college is very important when it comes to finding employment after graduation. Learn how to search for internships and other opportunities by using different search engines including Handshake, Illinois' campus-wide recruiting platform. Nov 4th 5-6pm. Register: Also, check out BSSD internship info at


  • Siebel Center for Design, video tour of layout

    Watch the 90 second video on the layout and building plans for the Siebel Center for Design!

  • The New Speed of Politics: Technology and Sustainability in the EU

    Countries of the European Union have collectively offered a leading global voice on the use of technology for local and planetary sustainability. Please join the EU Center for this panel event on Thursday, November 12 at noon featuring two former members of the European Parliament. For more information and to register, click here. November 12, 12 PM

  • Workshop: "Low-Temperature Geothermal Research and Applications"

    The Illinois Geothermal Coalition, iSEE, Facilities & Services, and the Illinois Water Resources Center are hosting a workshop on the future of geothermal at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Hear scientists, engineers, practitioners, decision-makers, and stakeholders involved in low-temperature geothermal energy studies, developments, and policy-making from the U of I and beyond! November 5, 8:30–11:30 AM • Zoom (Password 226197)


  • Call for Artists

    The School of Social Work is currently seeking qualified artists to submit proposals for an art series, which will be displayed in the Social Work building. This opportunity is open to students, artists in the C-U community, or artists with ties to UIUC. This series will contain works of art to recognize the need for discussions surrounding the complexities of racial and social justice.

  • How to Find a Job in Sustainability Webinar

    Join our free webinar to hear from Bard faculty, students, and alumni to learn how to leverage your work experience into advancing your purpose-driven career! After the presentation, there will be a live Q&A. The webinar link will be sent upon completion of registration. Thurs Nov 12th, 5:30-6:30pm.

  • Geographic Information Science (GIS) Day poster competition & prizes!

    GIS Day is the annual salute to geographic information science (GIS) and geospatial technologies, which are applied across disciplines including agriculture, public health, and urban planning. This online event will include a keynote, opportunities to engage with corporate sponsors, and a student poster competition with cash prizes. STUDENTS: submit a poster or web map here by Sunday, Nov. 15. November 18, 10 AM • Zoom (Click to register in advance)

  • Bridging Climate Science & Design Education talk, AIGA Professional Association for Design conference

    GD Associate Professor Eric Benson will be joining three other design faculty from across the country Mon 11/9 at 5 ET to discuss climate science in the design classroom at the AIGA | the professional association for design

    2020 Conference! There is a fee to attend the professional conference.


  • AIGA, the professional association for design, newsletter sign-up

    Sign up for an email newsletter to be the first to know about AIGA (the professional association for design) updates and communications, including Design Jobs listings and volunteer opportunities.


  • Students Pushing Innovation internship at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications

    Are you an Illinois undergraduate looking for your next internship experience? The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) is looking for highly motivated, creative undergraduate students to work on hands-on research projects with guidance from NCSA staff and faculty affiliates. The center will offer a limited number of paid SPIN (Students Pushing Innovation) internships during Summer 2021 (June-July, 20 hrs/week). No restriction on year of study or major. $12.50/hour paid. Join us for a virtual SPIN Open House on November 18, 3-5 PM US CST

    Join Zoom Meeting []

  • Government Job Fair for public service careers

    Friday 11/13/2020 from 1-4pm on Handshake. Students and alumni seeking public services careers are invited to participate and meet with recruiters from a range of government areas, including city, county, state and federal. Register early for the available group and one to one sessions with recruiters.  Be aware the MOST of the employers at this fair will require CITIZENSHIP for their opportunities. Research each organization prior to the fair, prepare a professional resume and practice appropriate employer etiquette.

  • 45 Sustainability Resources to Know

    This resource center features 45 noteworthy resources on sustainability, with sections on Green Living, Climate Change and Environmental Protection News, Energy and Technology, Sustainability in Business and Government, Sustainability Careers, Sustainability and the Arts, and Ecotourism.

  • Careers in Design panels with Alumni and Professionals in the Field

    Four panels between 10am and 4pm on Fri Nov 13th on the following topics: The Future of Design (10-11am), Diverse fields of Design from 1-2pm (service design, design thinking, game design, finish material design, etc.), Differing Paths of Employment from 2-3 (freelance, agency, inhouse, etc.), and What Employers are Looking for in Emerging Talent from 3-4pm.


    The Bailey Undergraduate awards are $3000 awards ($1500/semester) given each year to undergraduate students at UIUC who have demonstrated positive impact and commitment as a result of service, community involvement, leadership, and action. Financial need and academic achievement will also be considered. Application deadline: February 28. Note: A Sustainable Design major was awarded this scholarship once already, you could be next!

  • Paid Research Internship on Art Ecology in New Mexico, summer 2021

    Apply between Dec 1 and Feb 12.  The goals of the selected Art Research Experiences for Undergraduates (Art REUs) will be to observe and interpret the ecology, research, and landscape of the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico through the creation of artistic works (e.g., photography, painting, sculpture, videos).  These artworks will be used to cultivate the understanding among the general public in studying, restoring, and protecting the ecology and landscapes present within the SNWR. Lodging is provided. A $6,000 stipend and $500 food allowance also provided, with some travel costs and material costs provided.

  • Apply to be a UIUC Orientation Leader by Nov 23

    The OL position is designed to offer students the opportunity to implement orientation programming for new students, transfer students, and family members. Orientation Leaders can work summer and fall programming or just fall. $12/hour. Apply at



  • Illinois Science and Technology Institute (ISTI) Career Fair

    ISTI is hosting our first ever Virtual Career Fair on December 1st 2020! We believe that innovation happens everywhere; it is not confined to a laboratory, classroom, or office space. We are transforming our Facebook page for a day of virtual learning. From 9:00AM CST to 5:00PM CST we are featuring non traditional STEM professionals including the following presenters from: Cloud Solutions Architect, Microsoft Virtual Reality, Environmental Safety and Health Coordinator, Biomedical Visualization, and more.


  • CEOS Mini-Talks on the Economics of Sustainability

    Please join the Center for the Economics of Sustainability (CEOS) for its 2nd Mini-Talks webinar! Talks will focus on organic famland, conservation tillage, food waste, and consumer preferences with regards to local brewing and local hops. Register by November 30. Event is December 2, 12–1 PM.

  • Seeking Applicants for Undergraduate Research Ambassadors Program

    First and second year undergraduates are encouraged to apply by December 20.   Ideal candidates should demonstrate at least one semester or summer of engagement in research/creative inquiry and exhibit excellent communication skills. Such candidates should be reliable, organized, personable, and respectful.

  • GOALOOP - Connecting the World through Goals® hiring Innovation Interns

    Interns choose a specialty area such as Climate Change/Public Policy/Public Health/Social Causes. Apply by December 30. Based in New York City. Remote work allowed. An example of an interdisciplinary goal: Convince news anchors to report on the state of the climate as they do the stock market, daily, showing key metrics. (This goal includes outreach to climate scientists and others.) Underway at


  • SP 21 course at UIUC, HORT 223 The Intelligent Behav of Plants. Adv Comp & Nat Sci Gen Eds!

    HORT 223:  The Intelligent Behavior of Plants

    Gen Ed Credit:  Advanced Composition and Natural Sciences & Technology

    Description:  This course provides students with an introduction into the study of plant behavior, which focuses on how plants interact with and respond to the world around them. Topics include a basic overview of plant anatomy and physiology, a comparative examination of behavioral and communication mechanisms used by plants and animals, and an analysis of the controversial arguments regarding plant intelligence. Hybrid or Online sections available.  Instructor: Dr. Sarah Hind

  • RSO Green Certified Events

    iSEE is proud to launch the newest addition to the Greener Campus Programs: the Certified Green Event! This program encourages all entities — from RSOs to offices to Greek chapters — to host sustainable events by addressing transportation, energy conservation, and waste reduction. Your event can earn certification — even if it is held remotely — by committing to five or more sustainability actions based on our guide: using natural lighting or recycled paper, for instance, or making it convenient for public transportation.

  • U of I Student Authors New Book: “Coming Full Circle.”

    iSEE SWATeam Clerk Alexa Smith recently completed work on a book about the circular economy and zero waste movements, exploring how we can transform our economy and environment through business. Inspired by zero-waste advocates, Smith hopes to encourage other young entrepreneurs to invest in the circular economy and "turn trash into cash" — and inspire the rest of us live a more sustainable life!

  • Certificate in Environmental Writing (3 courses)

    The Undergraduate Certificate in Environmental Writing (CEW) is a fantastic offering for Illinois students wanting to engage with the latest research in sustainability science — and to build their skills in environmental communication. Complete 3 courses to earn the UIUC certificate.

  • PHLUSH (Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human) is looking for student interns

    PHLUSH is a non-profit organization that helps local governments and citizen groups provide equitable public restroom availability and prepare for ecological crises with appropriate ecological toilet systems. We're looking for interns who are interested in learning more about non-profit organizations and critical sanitation justice issues. Individual work plans would be co-tailored with PHLUSH staff and potential tasks include website development, communication, research, grant-writing, fundraising, management, and public advocacy. It would be a great opportunity to gain professional skills and expand networking opportunities in the field of environmental justice.

  • Do you want to shape the future? Why not start with Graduate School at University of Illinois?

    Join faculty from ArchitectureArt +DesignLandscape Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning to learn about our graduate degree programs. Learn about courses, faculty, student organizations, how to apply and more!

    Students can Register Here (using your email) for the session which will be held Thursday, December 10 at 4:00-5:30PM (US Central Standard Time).

  • Illinois Innovation Prize

    Are you a creative and passionate student working towards solutions that could have a positive societal impact? Innovations developed as a response to the pandemic are encouraged as this illustrates the power of innovation during times of ambiguity and uncertainty. The IIP is for $20,000 and students must be nominated by a faculty member, mentor, or advisor- contact us at if you think you deserve to be nominated!


  • Search for spring/summer internships with applications due in December!

    Sustainability Intern at Quality Bicycle due Dec 30 - Visual/Interaction Designer Intern at Signify due Dec 19 – Sustainability Reporting Intern at HP due December 13 - Farm Resources Intern at Organic Valley due Dec 17 – Austin Circular Economy Program Intern at the City of Austin due Dec 9 – Environmental Technician Intern at Clean Harbors due Dec 20 – Instructional Design Intern at Carrier due Dec 31

  • Search for spring/summer internships with applications due in December, part 2!

    Landscape Architect/Designer internship at Nature's Way Landscaping due December 10 - Product Design Internship at Apple due December 19 - VLSI Chip Design Intern at Apple due December 19 - USDA Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture Internship at Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education due December 16 - Product Management Intern at Shopee Singapore due December 31 - Landscape Architecture Intern at HNP Landscape Architecture due December 31 - Sustainability/Environmental Internship at Ceres (a sustainability non-profit, remote work) due December 31

  • Submit Student Work from Fall 2020!

    The SD Faculty Committee would love to see and share your student work from fall 2020. If you have models, drawings, designs, creations, or projects please submit either a file or link at We’d love to see a collection of birdhouses and other examples of your student work!