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Sustainable Design Opportunities & Events

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  • internship

    Odyssey Project Internships for FA 21/SP 22

    Apply by April 18th. Interns are paid $15.75/hour and are responsible for delivering onsite content and skill support for Odyssey students during class time. Apply here.

  • internships

    What internships or jobs can you get with a B.S. in Sustainable Design?

    View a March 2021 recorded session with Prof. Schneider, Asst. Dean Turner, Assoc. Dir. Rundell discussing opportunities for Sustainable Design majors.

  • now hiring

    Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant hiring interns for summer 2021

    Five positions available for the 2021 Summer Internship Program. Successful applicants will work closely with IISG staff on issues affecting the Great Lakes. These paid internships can include research, communications and outreach components. Internships are available in the following areas: Climate Communication; Great Lakes Education; Sustainable Communities; Water Quality; Youth Education

  • iSEE

    Apply for Sustainability Internships!

    Are you an Illinois student interested in promoting sustainability? iSEE has several internships opening up for 2021-22, including one to help develop the next generation of a sustainability training video for the campus (graduate student preferred); multiple positions to support iSEE programs and the campus sustainability mission; and on the Communications team (sophomore or junior preferred).


  • career center

    Sustainability Career Panel!

    Interested in a career in sustainability? Noon-1 p.m. | Friday, April 9 | Register Join us to hear a panel of industry professionals discuss how the field is changing and how to pursue sustainable careers. Panelists will include representatives from Eco Logic, Prairie Rivers Network, the Urbana Park District, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

  • vermiculture

    New RSO focused on climate change & vermicomposting: vermiCUlture

    Visit the website for an application form and more information; applications are due March 22! Questions? Email

  • Sustainability

    Apply for SSC funding, available for student-led projects

    Student-led projects with a budget of less than $10,000 are eligible for expedited review. All SSC projects must make a substantial impact on students. This may be a direct impact or an impact through education and engagement. All SSC funding is 100% from student green fees, so the projects funded by the students must benefit them. SSC encourages innovation and new technologies – creative projects are encouraged to apply.


  • euronews

    6 Most In-Demand Jobs for a Greener Future

    Article: “6 Most In-Demand Jobs for a Greener Future”

    Learn more about Urban Growers, Green Builders, Biogas (renewable fuel), hydropower, clean transport, and circular economy jobs in this article by

  • iSEE

    Part-Time Job: iSEE hiring a student to develop video content on Sustainability

    The 10-hour-a-week position will run through the Spring 2021 semester and likely into the summer. Duties include researching content, recommending an appropriate video format, and working on a script for the iSEE videographer. The student will report to iSEE staff and work closely with an ad-hoc working group on the project.

  • Handshake

    UIUC Social Impact Info Session w/ City Year, Teach for America, and Peace Corps

    Wednesday, March 10th 4-5pm (virtual event)

    Sign up through Handshake:


  • Flyer

    Climate Justice Lecture Series

    “Climate Vulnerability in Puerto Rico.” 12:30-2 p.m. | Tuesday, March 9 | Register. A four-part lecture series on climate justice continues with this talk by Maritza Barreto of the Graduate School of Urban Planning at the University of Puerto Rico Piedras. The lectures are sponsored by the U of I Department of Urban and Regional Planning. Next up: "Climate Crisis in California" (March 23) and "Climate Gentrification in Florida" (March 31);

  • Global Intern

    Summer 21 Global Virtual Internship

    An eight-week, project-based internship experience placing students on small global teams with host companies in Africa, Asia, Europe or South America to address a business problem related to sustainability around the world. Students pay $1,190 to participate. May 24 – July 16. Coordinated by the Global Learning Collective.

  • Handshake

    Internships due in March

    Arboriculture Research Internship at Bartlett Tree Experts due March 31; Product Design Intern at Paravane Ventures, remote work allowed due March 28; Energy - Global Business Development Internship at Tesla due March 1; Sustainability Consulting Intern at Arup due March 31; Research & Development Summer Intern at Kerry due by March 3; EHS Intern (Environment, Health, and Safety) at NXP Semiconductors due by March 5; Summer Camp Wilderness Trip Leader at Birch Trail Camp for Girls due March 15; Environmental, Health, and Safety Spring/Summer Internship at DuPont in Wilmington, DE due March 26; User Experience Designer - Internship at Minority Access, Inc. due March 30

  • Clare Bass

    Designing for a Circular Food World

    Clare Brass will talk about her journey from commercial designer to becoming a creative sustainability consultant in the food sector, taking on a mission to change the way designers across the world are taught. Sponsored by: School of Art & Design Visitors Committee, Ed Zagorski Visitors Fund, and Big Monster Toys, LLC. Thursday March 4 at 12:30 pm

  • Clare Bass

    Circular Economy & Design interactive workshop

    A workshop w/Clare Brass, Friday March 5 9am-12noon. Email asap to be added. In this interactive session, Clare will explain more about circular economy principles and share osme of the tools she has creted and used to transition to being a 'better' designer. School of Art + Design ID Workshop Series.

  • Party

    Climate Party Program

    No more boring sustainability conferences. No more design conferences that have one sustainability break-out session. We are done choosing sustainability as a track. We are upping the fun factor on designing change. We are Climate Designers. March 1-12, 2021. Prof. Eric Benson’s workshop.

  • AIGA Logo

    Re-think Your Design Work: 10 Ways to Build Sustainability into Your Processes

    from Design to Renourish authors Eric Benson and Yvette Perullo 

  • Spring Cleanup

    Spring Cleanup Friday, March 19th

    Friday, March 19


    Homer Lake Interpretive Center, 2-3:30 p.m.

    Help get the Center spruced up for the season! We will clean out flower beds, spread mulch, and do general cleanup. Bring work gloves and dress for the weather. Current public health guidelines will be followed. All ages. FREE. Register by March 18 at For more info: (217) 896-2455 or


  • Coffee Hours

    Student Sustainability Committee coffee hours: Energy on 3/1 & 4 more this spring

    Are you interested in learning about sustainability and looking for a conversation on energy? This event will be an excellent chance for students, staff, faculty, and community members to discuss their own views on campus, the community, and the world when it comes to energy.  March 1st at 7:00 pm Zoom

  • Clean Production

    Tools for Safer Chemicals—from Chemicals to Products to Organizations

    Demand for inherently safer chemicals in products and manufacturing operations is on the rise. Consumers, institutional purchasers, and retailers want products made with safer chemicals. Brands are requiring suppliers to avoid hazardous chemicals and use safer alternatives. Investors prefer companies that commit to reducing their chemical footprint. And governments are restricting the use of hazardous chemicals in products. This session will explore tools for: Identifying chemicals of concern and safer chemicals; Identifying products made with safer chemicals; Creating organizational capacity to move ahead of regulatory compliance in chemicals management.

    Feb 25, 2021   12:00 - 1:00 pm  Register here

  • Sietu

    73 Stains: Sweet Potatoes, Sustenance & Sustainability

    Ken Jones looks at food, sustainability and visual art at the intersection of self-care and the Beloved community. Jones will delve into artistic responses to the environment, specifically how African American artists continue to shape and sustain their well-being. We will have the opportunity to learn more about Jones’s multidisciplinary practice and virtually visit his studio. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14TH, 2021. 5:30pm CDT Register here.


  • David Lammy

    TED Talk: Eco-Edition!

    Join us for iSEE's first "TED Talk: Eco-Edition," focusing this month on Environmental Justice! Together, participants will view a TED Talk presented by David Lammy, the first Black Member of Parliament to hold the Justice post in British Parliament, titled "Climate Justice Can't Happen Without Racial Justice." Afterward, all are invited to participate in a guided discussion and roundtable. Sign up to learn, discuss, and connect with peers in a casual, social setting.7 p.m. | Thursday, Feb. 25 | Register

  • Internships at Research Park

    Research Park Internship Info Session

    Panel discussion with Research Park employers (Abbott, AbbVie, D.Next, Sycnchrony) on how to land an internship and make the most of the opportunities there. Friday, February 26th. Register at

  • Solar Farm

    UIUC Solar Farm 2.0

    UIUC Solar Farm 2.0 is energized!

    The newly completed Solar Farm 2.0 at the northwest corner of First Street and Curtis Road is online! The 54-acre solar array began generating power for the campus earlier this month, with the capability to produce 20,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of solar energy per year.

    Combined with Solar Farm 1.0 on Windsor Road (7,000 MWh/year) and smaller installations, the added capacity pushes the campus beyond the target set in the 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) to generate 25,000 MWh/year of solar by FY 2025. A wind power-purchase agreement brings the total campus clean energy to 50,000 MWh/year. Solar Farm 2.0 will also feature native plants to support a pollinator habitat!

  • Surratt Scholarship

    Scholarship for Jnrs/Snrs due Feb 24

    This scholarship is designated for juniors or seniors and must have a B average (3.0 GPA).  Preference will be given to a student who is interested in space studies and/or earth sciences, and whose major field of study includes at least one of these areas.  Preference is also given to students with demonstrated financial need.  In addition, students must demonstrate vision, perseverance and enthusiasm for his/her chosen field.   

  • Architecture of the Food System

    “Architecture of the Food System” lecture

    Caitlin Taylor is an architect with a background in agriculture and an interdisciplinary focus on environmental, economic, and social justice in the food system. Taylor has led an independent practice focused on water infrastructure. In this capacity, she was recipient of the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction Gold Prize for her work on urban flood control in Las Vegas. Taylor also lives with her family in Connecticut, where they own and operate an organic vegetable and cut flower farm.

    Register here.

  • Univ of Vermont

    Univ of Vermont SUM 21 Sustainability Research internship using industrial hemp

    University of Vermont summer research opportunity: During this 3-week program, conduct pathbreaking interdisciplinary research on the cultural, economic and scientific roles of the agricultural transition toward industrial hemp production. This is a great opportunity for students interested in natural and environmental sciences; sustainability; design thinking and visualization; economics and community development. Selected students will receive housing, travel and meal accommodations, as well as a stipend. Students attending all U.S. institutions are eligible. Applications due March 31.

  • Chicago Design Office Methadone Clinic 2020

    Aneesha Dharwadker (SD faculty committee member): “Architecture for Social Progress”

    Aneesha Dharwadker is an educator and design practitioner and the founder of Chicago Design Office and editor of Transect, a journal of design criticism. She joined the School of Architecture as an assistant professor in 2018. From 2016-18, she was a Designer-in-Residence in the Department of Landscape Architecture. She serves on the Sustainable Design faculty committee and contributed to the development of the new courses and major. Register here for the lecture.

  • RRF

    RFF 2021 Summer Research Internship Program

    Are you interested in policy research aimed at improving environmental, energy, and natural resource decisions? Resources for the Future is accepting applications for interns to work on five projects this summer: control of industrial greenhouse gas emissions; energy transition policy; wildfire, climate adaptation, and rural communities; parks, green space, and environmental justice; and developing U.S. and Canadian electric power transmission network models. The application deadline is March 8.


  • Open House

    Student Sustainability Committee

    Are you interested in learning more about the Student Sustainability Committee and how to get involved with sustainability? On February 8 at 6:00 pm (CT), the Student Sustainability Committee will organize a virtual Open House. This event will be an excellent opportunity to help students discover more about the committee members, working groups, and be part of a general member. We hope to see you there, and we hope you come along with a friend! 

    Zoom Link for the Open House:

    For further information, visit, or for any general questions, contact"


  • Bailey Scholarship


    The Bailey Undergraduate awards are $3000 awards ($1500/semester) given each year to undergraduate students at the University of Illinois who have demonstrated positive impact and commitment as a result of service, community involvement, leadership, and action. Financial need and academic achievement will also be considered. University of Illinois - Urbana campus undergraduate students in all programs are eligible to apply. 

    For more information or to apply online, visit:

  • Handshake

    Internship apps due in February in Handshake

    Sustainable Farm Internship at Dayempur Farm due Feb 15; Communications Intern (exper writing in sci, eng, research environment a plus) at Underwriters Laboratories due Feb 1; Sustainable/Organic Agriculture Apprenticeship at Athena's Harvest Farm due Feb 27; Landscape Intern at Museum of Danish America due Feb 15; Conservation Intern at Montana Conservation Corps due Feb 15; Environmental Compliance Specialist at Clean Harbors due Feb 19; Learning and Public Engagement Summer Internship at The Art Institute of Chicago due Feb 20; Environmental Education Internship at Mt. Cuba Center due Feb 26; Summer Horticulture Internships at Denver Botanic Gardens due Feb 6. SEARCH ON HANDSHAKE.

  • Tree City USA Conference.

    The Arbor Day Foundation is organizing a Tree City USA Virtual Conference, divided into hour-long presentations on three Wednesdays in February. The conference will foster connections between Tree City USA communities and advance urban and community forestry work around the country, to address climate change, environmental justice, and sustainable urban development. Registration is free for all Tree City/Campus USA communities and campuses (use the code "treecity").11 a.m.-1:15 p.m. | Wednesdays, Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Feb. 24 | Register


  • A Conversation with "The Sixth Extinction" Author Elizabeth Kolbert.

    Join Powell's Books for an online conversation with Pulitzer Prize winner Elizabeth Kolbert as she discusses her latest book with author Bill McKibben, founder of In "Under a White Sky," Kolbert asks, "After doing so much damage, can we change nature, this time to save it?" She visits with scientists trying to preserve the world's rarest fish, a lava field where engineers are turning carbon emissions to stone, and an Australian aquarium where researchers are trying to develop "super coral."7 p.m. | Tuesday, Feb. 9 | Register for Zoom webinar

  • Algae-Based Bioplastics Talk.

    Chemistry Professor Mark Crocker, Associate Director of the Center for Applied Energy Research at the University of Kentucky, will explore the potential for algae-based bioplastics such as foam and food packaging in his talk, "Beneficial Re-use of Industrial CO2 Emissions Using Microalgae."Noon-1 p.m. | Thursday, Feb. 11 | Register


  • iSEE Launches Environmental Leadership Program; 2 Pilot Workshops Scheduled for Spring 2021 Semester

    iSEE is piloting two ELP workshops in Spring 2021: March 24 on environmental policy; and April 13 on corporate sustainability. Up to 25 students may register for each event, which are scheduled on campus non-instructional break days.

  • Architecture as a Social Act lecture

    Tatiana Bilbao received the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture Prize by the LOCUS Foundation in 2014 and will share her work integrating social values, collaboration and sensitive design approaches to architectural work. Monday February 1 from 5:00 – 6:30pm. Register in advance to attend.

  • Apply for a Summer 2021 Project Team with the Community-Academic Scholars Initiative

    This initiative matches undergraduates with a faculty mentor and a community partner to address issues affecting our community. This year’s program includes 14 powerful projects from faculty across the University of Illinois that address a range of topics, including the impacts of COVID-19, poverty and social inequality, physical activity, and the role that forest preserves play in community and individual health.


  • Illinois Part-Time Job Fair

    The Illinois Part-Time Job Fair is open to all students on campus seeking opportunities to make some extra money and build their career competencies while completing their academics. Opportunities at this fair are paid, non-technical positions on campus or in the Champaign/Urbana community. This is a virtual fair run through Handshake on February 2 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Register for sessions using the link above. 


  • Illinois Enactus Information Night

    Join us Monday, February 8th at 7:00 pm via Zoom conference to learn more about the mission of Illinois Enactus. We strive to contribute to sustainable development goals all around the world. Groups of students from all majors develop collaborative business ventures that work towards social, economic, and environmental equality in all communities. We encourage all majors to apply to join our projects to eliminate waste, provide quality education, tackle social injustice, and more. 

  • SPIN Summer 2021 internships at NCSA

    The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) has a history of nurturing innovative concepts, and some of the best ideas have come from highly motivated, creative undergraduate students. The Students Pushing INnovation (SPIN) internship program was launched to provide University of Illinois undergraduates with the opportunity to participate in hands-on research and contribute to interdisciplinary projects covering focused research areas in Culture and Society, Earth and Environment, Bioinformatics and Health Sciences, Material and Manufacturing, Data and Computational Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, and Digital Agriculture. The SPIN program is now accepting applicants for the Summer 2021 session. The applications are due February 15, 2021.

  • 2021 - 2022 Rachel Carson Council Fellowship Program

    The RCC Fellowship Program is designed to identify outstanding students with a passion for environmental education, organizing and advocacy and provide them with financial support to carry out valuable projects or campaigns on behalf of the RCC. As a part of the program, students propose projects focused on sustainability and environmental justice that they wish to carry out on their campus or in their community. If accepted into the program, students will be supported over the course of the school year with mentorship from RCC staff and be given the opportunity to publish writings about their work. RCC Fellows receive a $2,000 stipend for their work during the academic year and attend a 2–3-day summer training program with their cohort hosted by RCC staff to sharpen their writing, advocacy and organizing skills. RCC Fellows will also develop critical contacts and experience, joining an RCC alumni network as they look forward to careers as engaged environmental leaders. The application deadline is April 30th.


  • Open Seats in SOCW 375 for Social Work minors

    SOCW 375: Social Enterprise Lab

    Social enterprise lab helps students to launch and scale social enterprises spanning a wide

    range of topics from technological innovations that promote social or environmental

    improvement, to the performing and visual arts. It couples structured lectures with

    interactive modules, field trips, guest speakers, and a workgroup format to discuss and

    troubleshoot social startup challenges and opportunities.

    Questions? Email the instructor Ben Lough at

  • We CU Community Engaged Scholars program

    Make a positive impact in the community while building your resume and receiving recognition for your community-based work. The We CU Community Engaged Scholars program provides training, connection to like-minded peers, access to service opportunities with partner organizations, and support from We CU program leaders. Learn more during an information session at 4 p.m. on Thursday, January 28Register for the info session even if you can’t attend so that you will receive a link to the recording and instructions for joining the program.


  • The Illinois Leadership Center Now Hiring Undergraduate Students!

    The Illinois Leadership® Center (ILC) is hiring for the 2021-2022 academic year!

    We are now accepting applications for the following positions until Monday, February 8th...

    • Communication & Marketing Specialist 
    • Leadership Certificate Program Specialist 
    • Data Analytics Specialist 
    • Graf Intern
    • Podcast Intern*
    • Photographer*
  • 5 sustainable packaging developments to watch in 2021

    Enjoy this article from GreenBiz, published January 4, 2021!


  • Leadership Center SP 21 Programs/Workshops

    Click the link to see opportunities provided by Illinois Leadership Center!

  • Student Sustainability Leadership Council

    Attend a virtual “Meet and Greet” event on Monday, February 8, from 4-5 p.m to come together to discuss the function, structure, and purpose of the Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC) and relaunch the group. This organization is designed to provide an opportunity for sharing, collaboration, and centralized communication to streamline campus sustainability outreach and programs between student environmental groups and iSEE. SSLC can also function as a way for RSOs to receive help and support for projects and outreach.

  • Student Sustainability Committee Member Application

    The Student Sustainability Committee is seeking undergraduate students interested in joining the committee members. This is an opportunity to learn more about why sustainability is essential and have experience as a voting member. SSC typically allocates $1.1 million in funding from student fees every year to campus sustainability projects. To apply, please complete the application, due date is January 29, 2021

  • Greener Campus Workshop

    Join us for this interactive workshop to learn more about iSEE's Certified Greener Campus Programs and how you can make your office, events, student organization, or fraternity/sorority more sustainable!4-5 p.m. | Thursday, Jan. 21 | Zoom link (Password 949274)