Resources related to this EITP online asynchronous training:
Updates to the Elevated Blood Lead Levels for Early Intervention Eligibility - 12/6/24 (pdf) - an IDHS memo notifying providers and CFCs about the new criteria for lead level eligiblity
Service Guidelines: For young children with elevated blood lead levels: Created by Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention EI and Lead Workgroup. A PDF version is also available.
The Ripple Effects of Childhood Lead Poisoning (pdf in English and Spanish): Created by Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention EI and Lead Workgroup
The Benefits of Early Intervention for Children Who Have Been Lead Exposed (video): Pamela Epley of Erikson Institute shares the benefits of Early Intervention services for children exposed to lead. This webinar was created in collaboration with Erikson Institute, Legal Council for Health Justice, and the Illinois Early Intervention Program.