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MEP 411
Scholarships, careers, and opportunities for MEP students. Links to more scholarship listings for continuing students, department scholarships, and external scholarships here:

blog posts

  • ORISE Undergraduate Scholarship Opportunity, Artificial Intelligence in STEM

    To showcase Artificial Intelligence (AI) in STEM, ORISE is hosting a research-based challenge for undergraduate students.  The challenge is for students to develop an infographic to communicate how AI is used in STEM disciplines.  Thorough submissions will illustrate how AI is applied in STEM fields, focusing on key principles, practical applications, pioneering uses, ethical considerations, and/or future prospects.  Your infographic could win you a $5,000 scholarship.

    The deadline for this competition is Thursday, November 30, 2023, and winners will be announced in late December.

    For complete details, please visit

  • SmallSat Alliance Collegiate Space Competition 2024

    The Small Sat Alliance (SSA) invites tomorrow’s space leaders – today’s college students – to propose solutions to 21st century space challenges as it launches its 2nd annual Collegiate Space Competition (CSC).  This year, the CSC will revisit two topics, Orbital Debris and Environmental Monitoring, for students to propose solutions to.  Students may participate as individuals or as a team to craft a dynamic response to one of the topics that includes technical and policy considerations.  Students/teams who have submitted before may not reply to a prompt for which they have already submitted with the same/similar content or approach; however, returning students are encouraged to submit entirely new and original responses given that there are many approaches to solving these challenges.

    For all interested students, the 2023-2024 Competition Portal opens on October 31, 2023 and closes on April 15, 2024.

  • Community Energy Innovation Prize - Seeking Student Applicants

    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is administering the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Community Energy Innovation Prize and is seeking both student and community organization applicants for funding.  The Community Energy Innovation Prize is designed to fund student groups and organizations that are creating a more inclusive and equitable innovation ecosystem in climate and renewable energy technologies.  In the Collegiate Track, a total prize pool of $450,000 is available for student-led teams to work alongside a community partner on a project related to the clean energy transition.

    There is an upcoming webinar on October 2, 2023 at 3pm E.T. for college students interested in this prize.

    Collegiate Track submissions are due on November 3, 2023.

    More details are provided at this link:

  • 2022-2023 Kevin T. Early Memorial Scholarship

    Applications are now being accepted for the 2022-2023 Kevin T. Early Memorial Scholarship, a poetry prize open to first-year undergraduates in all majors.  It awards $2000 to a student with freshman standing at UIUC for the 2022-2023 school year.

    The deadline for application is January 31, 2023. 

    For consideration, students must submit 5 poems via email to John Dudek, the Associate Director of Creative Writing in the Department of English (  The complete submission should not exceed 5 pages (So 1 poem to a page).  Submissions should be attached to the email as .docx (Word) files.

    The subject line of the email should read: “EARLY PRIZE SUBMISSION: Last name.”

    The body of the email should include the student's name, address, phone number, e-mail, UIN, and the titles of the poems.  The name should not appear on the entry file itself.

    If you have any questions, please email John Dudek at

  • ORISE Undergraduate Scholarship Competition

    Deadline: Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

    ORISE is hosting a research-based challenge for undergraduate students! Thechallenge is for students to develop an infographic to communicate the current leading ways toremove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Thorough submissions will include research on at leastfour current carbon dioxide removal methods, as well as research on new developments in carbondioxide removal. Your infographic could win you a $5,000 scholarship! The deadline for thiscompetition is Wednesday, November 30, 2022, and winners will be announced in late December.

    For complete details, please visit

    f you have any questions, contact

  • Undergraduate Scholarship Competition: Mean, Green Recycling Machines

    Mean, Green Recycling Machines: Undergraduate Scholarship Competition

    The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is hosting a research-based challenge for undergraduate students! The challenge is for students to develop a website on plastic recycling. Students will research their schools’ current process for recycling plastic and then design/create a strategy to make the process more efficient. Thorough submissions will include further research on the plastic recycling process, benefits of current recycling methods, and process improvement ideas. Your website could win you a $5,000 scholarship!

    The deadline for this competition is Tuesday, November 30, 2021, and winners will be announced in late December.


    1st place: $5,000 scholarship2nd place: $3,000 scholarship3rd place: $1,000 scholarship

    For more information on the competition, please visit If you have any questions, you can contact

  • ASEE Video Contest

    The American Society for Engineering Education is having a video contest to celebrate theor 125th Anniverasary. Create a video that shows where engineering education will be in 25 years, upload it and email it to by Friday, February 15th (11:59 EST)! You could win up to a $3,000 cash prize and trip to Washington, D.C. to attend their annual confrence. Find out more details and view the rubric for the contest here.

  • Professional Speaking Workshop & Competition - Cash Prizes

    Workshop: March 4th, 9:00am-3:30pm
    Deadline to apply: February 25th

    More info and application here

    Competition: April 7th @ 2:00pm 
    Information Session: February 12th @ 6:00pm in MSEB 119
    Deadline to apply: February 19th

    Application Questions?

  • 2017 Call for Abstracts - GMiS Research Posters Competition

    Join us in Pasadena, CA, from October 18 – 22, 2017, to showcase your cutting edge and emerging research ideas, methods, and techniques to leading engineers and scientists in a premier national forum that recognizes technical talent and achievement. You may walk away with more than just bragging rights. Your research accomplishments may earn you a monetary prize in addition to national recognition.

    *Monetary prizes are based on competition sponsorship


    • Graduate & undergraduate students from an accredited college/university in the U.S. or Puerto Rico

    • Must be from an underrepresented ethnic/racial group in STEM (i.e. Hispanic, African American, or Native American)

    • Pursuing full-time studies in a science, technology, engineering, math or health-related field of study


    • Must register for the HENAAC Conference

    • Must submit an entry form and abstract to

    • Mandatory attendance at the Student Leadership Reception on Saturday evening, October 21st where winners will be announced

    Abstract Deadlines

    SEPTEMBER 8, 2017 (To be considered for a travel grant. Travel grant support is available on a competitive basis. Early-Bird Registration available.)

    SEPTEMBER 22, 2017 (No travel grant consideration.  Regular registration available.)

    Please direct your questions to:

  • SpeakUp! - Engineering Ambassadors' Speaking Competition

    Do you want a chance to express yourself? Do you encourage sustainability? Speech is powerful. Here is a chance for you to expand your communication skills and win fabulous prizes.

    The Speaking Competition is hosted by the University of Illinois Engineering Ambassadors, sponsored by Monsanto.

    An info session is happening Tonight (February 14th) at 5:30pm in 106B1 EH.

    Theme: Environment, Conservation, Sustainability
    All STEM (Science Technology Engineering or Mathematics) Majors welcome.
    Prizes of $200, $100, $50 will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, respectively.
    Accepted contestants will be REQUIRED to attend a public speaking workshop on Sunday March 5th from 9am - 5pm.

    APPLICATION DEADLINE: Midnight, February 19th
    Apply here:
    Your submission will be reviewed and results will be announced by February 24th

    Any questions can be directed to


  • ASEE Conference: March 27-28, 2015

    Call for student posters. Abstract due date: Monday, March 9, 2015

  • Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) - Abroad

    Conduct research abroad with SURF. Deadline: 01/30/2015

  • Undergraduate Research - Spring '15 Conference Travel Grants

    Subsidize research presentation conference travel. Deadline: 12/11/14

  • SourceAmerica Design Challenge

    Win a trip to Washington, DC and compete for 1st place!

  • 2014-2015 Dads Association Scholarship

    Win one of six $2,000 scholarships! Deadline: November 7, 2014

  • Office of Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Grants

    Subsidize the presentation of your undergraduate research at professional conferences.

  • Verizon Powerful Answers Award Challenge

    Deadline for submission is June 30, 2013

    The Powerful Answers Award is a global challenge to inspire and reward innovative solutions that address society’s biggest challenges in education, healthcare, and sustainability utilizing Verizon’s unique combination of network, device and platform technologies.  A total of $10 million in cash prizes will be awarded.

    All information about the challenge, including rules and submission forms are available at:   

  • 2013 Competition for Travel Grants

    Deadline for submission is May 1, 2013!

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) at the University of Illinois is pleased to announce its spring 2013 competition for travel grants to subsidize the presentation of undergraduate research at professional conferences.

    Please read more for further information.

  • Global Grand Challenges Short Video Competition


    *Application Deadline is February 3, 2013, EST*


    The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) is seeking entrants to create a short video (2 min.) highlighting the importance of engineering and how engineers can collaborate with other professionals.


    Please visit for rules and entry procedures.