AEMS and the IL/IN East Asian National Resource Center present:
Asian Film Festival 2010: Visualizing Tibet
November 2 - 7, 2010
Tuesday through Sunday
Spurlock Museum
600 S. Gregory Street
Urbana, IL
With a special Thursday night film event at:
The Art Theater / 126 W. Church Street, Champaign, IL
All films are in Chinese or Tibetan with English subtitles.
Seating will be first come, first served, and theater will be cleared between screenings.
Special Guests:
Elliot Sperling, Associate Professor, Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Arjia Rinpoche, Director, Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center, Bloomington, IN
Lynn True, Film Director, Summer Pasture
Co-sponsors: Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities (IPRH), Weber State University, Kham Film Project, AsiaPacificFilms, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies UI
Supported with funding from the U.S. Department of Education National Research Centers Program
Film Festival Schedule
Tuesday, November 2
7:00pm - Unmistaken Child (Nati Baratz, 2008, 102 min)
Thursday, November 4 (Art Theater, Champaign,IL)
7:30pm - Kundun (Martin Scorsese, 1997, 135 min)
Friday, November 5
7:00pm - Summer Pasture (Lynn True and Nelson Walker, 2010, 86 min)
9:15pm - Serfs(Nongnu)( Li Jun, 1963, 88 min)
Saturday, November 6
1:00pm - Milarepa (Neten Chokling, 2006, 90 min)
3:15pm - Tantric Yogi (Chenaktsang Dorje Tsering, 2005, 50 min)
7:00pm - The Search (Pema Tseden, 2009, 112 min)
9:20pm – Song of Tibet (Xie Fei, 2000, 95 min)
Sunday, November 7
1:00pm - The Search (Pema Tseden, 2009, 112 min)
3:15pm - Milarepa (Neten Chokling, 2006, 90 min)