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The Native American Support Program (NASP) cultivates an environment supportive of positive experiences for Native American and Indigenous students at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Learn about NASP initiatives and programming, and get updates on upcoming events and resources both on the UIC campus and within the greater community.
5. Natives in the News

blog posts

  • LC News

    Report offers first-ever national data regarding native peoples’ perspectives toward COVID-19 vaccine

    Please Click the Link To Read the Article.

  • San Diego State Hires First Tribal Liaison

    San Diego State University has hired its first tribal liaison to focus on better serving and increasing its Native American student population.

  • Solidarity from Lingít Aaní to Wetʼsuwetʼen yintah

    photos from Feb. 9 event with Defend The Sacred AK

    We stand with the Wet’suwet’en Nation as they assert jurisdiction over their lands and protect the inherent rights of their people. We condemn the colonial violence carried out by the RCMP and the Coastal GasLink (CGL) pipeline company, including a raid on their sovereign lands.Use this toolkit to organize your own solidarity event and add Defend the Sacred AK, Idle No More, Indigenous Environmental Network and Indigenous Climate Action as co-hosts so we can help to amplify.#AllEyesOnWetsuweten #NoConsentNoAccess

  • Learn to Disrupt the System from the INSIDE on AUG 13th

    Join us Thursday, AUGUST 13 for the next event in our Indigenous Activism Speaker Series. Carly Bad Heart Bull and Kevin Killer will discuss Disrupting the System from the Inside: Media, Legal & Legislative Strategies for Change.

    CLICK HERE to RSVP for the event.

  • Systemic Inequities in Indigenous Data Governance

    Seattle Indian Health Board and our research division, Urban Indian Health Institute, are committed to understanding the impacts of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in urban American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

    Tribal Epidemiology Centers should have access to Health and Human Services (HHS) data as a public health authority, yet institutional barriers in accessing public health data persist.

    A failure to grant data access perpetuates systemic health inequities in Native communities as Tribal and urban Indian communities plan for both current and future surges of COVID-19 cases. Native communities must be equipped with the right information to implement data-driven decision-making.

    We hope this policy resource and recommendations support our tribal, community, and government partners, as we collectively address the immediate and long-term impacts of COVID-19 in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

  • Open Letter To Native Youth

    Dear Native Youth:

    I am writing you today to remind you that you are sacred. Your life is meaningful. You were prayed into existence by those who walked this earth before you. You stand on the shoulders of your ancestors. With that, you carry the most powerful medicine: intergenerational strength. It is embedded in you; it runs through your blood...

  • Estée Lauder Companies' executive joins The Center for Native Scholarships, American Indian Graduate Center

    American Indian Graduate Center is honored to welcome Amber Garrison (Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) to its Board of Directors!

    Amber is the Senior Vice President and Global General Manager for the prestige hair care brand, Bumble and bumble. For more than eight years, she has worked for The Estée Lauder Companies, the parent company of Bumble and bumble.


    Have you ever looked at a student who’s known for getting As and wondered, “How do they do it?” When you’re not the A student — but you’re trying to be — every little insight can help. Top students don’t just inherently know everything, they’ve also refined their study skills and know how to use their time effectively. The best part is, you can learn the same study habits they use to get those straight As!

  • Take the Indigenous Futures Survey Today!

    Aspen Institute’s Center for Native American Youth (CNAY), IllumiNative, and Native Organizers Alliance have partnered to launch the Indigenous Futures Project. To launch the project, we are partnering with acclaimed researchers Dr. Stephanie Fryberg (Tulalip) of the University of Michigan and Dr. Arianne Eason of the University of California, Berkeley, to conduct the Indigenous Futures Survey -- a groundbreaking research project for Native peoples by Native peoples.  

  • Indigenous Peoples 4 Black Lives Mural

    Local artist Cece Carpio is responsible for organizing and assisting with several of the new murals in downtown Oakland.

    "This is how we protest. This is how we know how to give radical love for the black communities whose liberation is directly tied to ours, acknowledging that their fight paved for us to be here to fight," she writes on Instagram. "These are all work in progress, as we are in progress to dismantle white supremacy. We want to show that we're stronger together and that we are here to fight. In solidarity and through this fire, we will rise."