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  • Crowd marches at the George Floyd protests 6/2/2020

    Leadership in Social Justice

    The Oxford Languages Dictionary defines social justice as “justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.” The concept of social justice encompasses all oppressed and marginalized groups and it is formed on five pillars: access to resources, equity, participation, diversity, and human rights.

  • The Importance of Networking

    This post goes into detail on the importance of networking and some benefits of it. 

  • leadershape

    How My Experience at The LeaderShape® Institute™ Shaped My Understanding of Social Justice

    The LeaderShape®  Institute™ was a great opportunity to learn more about social justice and hear from different viewpoints. My time at The LeaderShape®  Institute™  was very influential and I wanted to share how it helped my viewpoint of social justice.