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Comments Aug 9, 2014 2:37 pm

I like your blog so much, Dennis, that whenever I see a new post, I read it immediately, pretty much without fail, something that, given the mass of writing online that you point out, I don't do with many (or even any) other blogs. You always provide thoughtful and interesting information and perspective. Thanks!

Reply to at 2:37 pm Aug 9, 2014 9:39 pm

'Lich' in the spelling 'lych' survives in English in the term 'lych gate'. the gateway at the entrance to a churchyard through which a coffin passes on its way to burial. Often it is equipped with a raised slab on which the coffin can be placed while prayers are said. Both Lichfield and Litchfield are used as surnames. Lichfield in Staffordshire is famous for several former citizens, including Dr Samuel Johnson (who no doubt found your post both entertaining and informative), David Garrick, Joseph Addison and Erasmus Darwin, ancestor of Charles. The two houses at King Edward VI School Lichfield named for Garrick and Johnson were in my day deadly rivals.


Michael Tremberth

Reply to at 9:39 pm