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  • Are laws requiring English signs discriminatory?

Comments Jul 10, 2011 1:52 pm

If this were France, I would expect signs to be in French. If this were Mexico, I would expect signs to be in Spanish. If this were Israel, I would expect signs to be in Hebrew, Arabic, and English. If this were Canada, I would expect signs to be in English and French. This is (still) the United States of America. I expect signs to be in English.Perhaps if you viewed it as a courtesy to the host country...?

Reply to at 1:52 pm Jul 20, 2011 2:59 pm

I agree with the above post. I am all for linguistic diversity and people taking the initiative to learn about other cultures and words but this is something else I think. An American can easily read the "Cafe Noir" sign. I was on your side until you showed the picture of the Asian street. There is no way a GPS would show a firefighter how to get to one of those shops advertised by those signs. And it makes it almost impossible for a native English speaking American to find things if they wanted to go there. Even an Asian language speaker would be able to find and locate "Cafe Noir." Anyone who was serious about serving diverse customers would not use the Asian signs. While we can assume any Asian living over here would have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the alphabet, it would be unfair to ask the average New Yorker to have any knowledge of Asian writing systems. I am not some crazy conservative hate monger. I just think it is logical.

Reply to at 2:59 pm Sep 9, 2011 10:32 am

This the United States of America. We are made of many nationalities. The one thing we all have in common is our language. By not requiring new Americans to learn the language is enabling them to hold onto the ways of their old countries. The idea is to get them to be able to function in this country as productive citizens. By allowing them not to learn our language is allowing to resist change. I am becoming uncomfortable in my own country when I hear store employees speaking other than English to their customers. If you are not willing to make changes in your life to accomodate your new country by learning and speaking English in public then perhaps you should consider returning to your old country.

Reply to at 10:32 am