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  • It’s National Handwriting Day: there’s an app for that

    A sample of pretty perfect 18th-century handwriting, evenly space and leaded, otherwise called English Roundhand, from George Bickham’s Universal Penman, 1743.

    A sample of pretty perfect 18th-century handwriting, evenly space and leaded, otherwise called English Roundhand, from George Bickham’s Universal Penman, 1743.


Comments May 23, 2020 4:40 am

My daughter once needed a note to her school for permission to ride on a different bus to a friend's house after classes.  I found a nice piece of stationary, pulled out my fountain pen, and carefully wrote the note.  I then put a wax seal on it for good measure.

I was asked to hand deliver this note to the school office. I saw other notes drifting in written on spiral notebook paper and any other scrap of paper that would take a mark.

Both notes worked equally as well, but I did get some satisfaction as the office workers looked at my handiwork with puzzled expressions.

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