Below you will find links to a variety of national resources that provide information and resources specific to Down syndrome.
March 21st marks World Down Syndrome day!
General information related to child health, specific guidelines concerning pediatric issues, information about AAP's programs and activities,publications and other child health resources. Information comes from child health experts with scientific research supporting their recommendations.
The American Medical Association helps doctors help patients by uniting physicians nationwide to work on the most important professional and public health issues.
GiGi's Playhouses are Down syndrome educational and awareness centers that provide resources, specialized teaching, and support to individuals with Down syndrome and all the people that love them!
NADS mission is to ensure that all persons with Down syndrome have the opportunity to achieve their potential in all aspects of community life. NADS offers information, support, and advocacy.
Down Syndrome Resources
Down Syndrome Information Alliance Resources is an affiliate of the National Down Syndrome Congress and National Down Syndrome Society (NADS), and provides resources for healthcare professionals, educators and parents.
Down Syndrome Resources Online provided by has News and Articles on Down syndrome. It also includes other information on Down syndrome, such as a list of organizations, educational information, information on inclusion, healthcare, and personal stories.
42 Great Down Syndrome Resources You Should Know is a great list of organizations, blogs, books, publications and social media sites related to Down Syndrome.
The New Parent's Guide to Down Syndrome is designed by a Mom who is Pediatrician. Her son Noah, was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. The goal of her site is to help new families find answers to common questions and resources without having to weed through all the information on the internet. Topics include possible medial concerns, test, labs, acronyms, speech, eating, things you should ask your pediatrician, schools, day care, and a many other things.