Below you will find a variety of resources pertaining to Assistive Technology (AT). Please remember that the Early Intervention Provider Handbook also includes the service description, qualified staff, and billing codes and rates for Assistive Technology in the Illinois Early Intervention System.
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EITP Trainings
You may be interested in the hybrid training (face-to-face and online) opportunity from EITP. There is 2 mandatory parts, which are the following:
AT in Illinois Early Intervention: A Review of Policies and Procedures This online component closely examines policies and procedures as they relate to Assistive Technology in the Illinois Early Intervention Services System. It includes a review of items covered for funding through Illinois EI AT, an examination of the process and procedures of obtaining AT, and a review of the responsibilities of team members in relation to AT. To register, visit our EITP Online Training Events page.
The Art of Assessment for Assistive Technology in Illinois Early Intervention *This face-to-face training requires that the online component (AT in Illinois Early Intervention) is completed in advance. This full-day workshop explores current evidence-based practices related to Assistive Technology assessment. In this session, participants will discuss the goals of AT assessments, explore the components and processes of functional AT assessments, and consider the decision making processes that determine the need for AT to support a child within their everyday activities. Documentation requirements for AT assessments will also be reviewed. Group discussion and application activities will be utilized to problem solve. To register or see when this training is happening, visit our EITP Training Calendar page.
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Illinois Dept. of Human Services Assistive Technology Resources
Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) provides links to assistive technology related resources, research, and education.
Service Description IDHS provides a service description for assistive technology. This resource also links to information related to qualifications to enroll to become an assistive technology vendor as well as and billable activities with authorization.
EI Assistive Technology Policy and Procedures (pdf) These guidelines from IDHS define AT, discuss devices, evaluation, funding and obtaining AT, as well as implementation and provider participation.
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Additional Assistive Technology Resources
Assistive Technology for Infants and Toddlers (pdf) A question and answer document that was developed by Families and Advocates Partnership for Education (FAPE). Questions include "What types of assistive technology devices can infants and toddlers use?" and "Why is assistive technology important?"
IDEA Policy Documents on Assistive Technology Devices and Services for Children with Disabilities The US Department of Education shares (in English and Spanish) guidance in support of children with disabilities who need assistive technology (AT) devices and services for meaningful access and engagement in education.
Tots ‘n Tech The Tots 'n Tech Research Institute (TnT) is a collaboration between Thomas Jefferson University (TJU), Philadelphia and Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe. Its mission is to provide up-to-date information and resources about adaptations, including assistive technology, to use with infants and toddlers for states, Early Intervention providers of all disciplines, and families across the country.
ECTA Center Section on Assistive Technology (AT) for Infants and Young Children The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center is supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) under the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). ECTACenter offers information related to many issues related to Assistive technology.
SEEDS Project Legacy Resources The SEEDS Project ended in June 2014, but its legacy resources are still available online. In the header, click on "Legacy Resources" to find a pull-down menu of videos, site visit lists, and more. Check out the Early Childhood Special Education Series which describes core concepts and recommended practices in early childhood special education. Closely related to the SEEDS Project is the Seeds of Partnership project which focuses on family engagement and professional development in special education.
Teaching Learners With Multiple Needs includes directions for a variety of do-it-yourself AT ideas for children of all ages.
Resource Guide on Assistive Technology The Illinois EI Clearinghouse created a resource guide on assistive technology for infants and toddlers which includes online resources, journal articles, books, and videos.
Newsletter on Assistive Technology The Illinois EI Clearinghouse developed its Summer 2015 newsletter around assistive technology for infants and toddlers! It includes resources around easy adaptations in daily life, a resource list of journal articles, books, and videos, and a spotlight on the Illinois AT program.
Assistive Technology at Home The Illinois EI Clearinghouse has a brief overview of easy adaptations for daily living for children aged birth to three.
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Assistive Technology Equipment Programs
The Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) is a statewide, non-profit agency funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 1988 whose mission is to break down barriers that prevent people with disabilities from accessing the assistive technology. IATP provides devices for loan, AT evaluations, and maintain a person-to-person exchange program for pre-owned items.
Illinois Assistive Technology Support site for K – 12 schools (Infinitec) has the mission to advance independence and promote inclusive opportunities for children and adults with disabilities through technology. Services provided through Infinitec include information services, access to assistive technology equipment, training and education programs, as well as access to specialists in the Illinois counties of Cook, DuPage, Lake, and Kane.
Lekotek is a program that offers services such as toy lending libraries, computer play, family play, and training for professionals and parents. There is an Illinois affiliate office where you can learn more.
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Assistive Technology Specific Product Information
AbleData - The site closed on 9/27/20, but archived version is linked. AbleData provides objective information about assistive technology products and rehabilitation equipment, as well as information on assistive technology companies and upcoming conferences and educational opportunities.
AblePlay is a toy rating system and website that provides comprehensive information on toys for children with special needs.
AT Network ( provides access to information on AT devices and services as well as other community resources for people with disabilities and the general public and allows user to sort devices by function, activity or vendor.
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AT Programs, Certification & Professional Development
Various colleges and Universities offer certification programs online and on site. Search “Assistive Technology Certificate Program” to find currently available programs. (There are many more certification programs now, and we can’t and shouldn’t list each one.)
University of Illinois at Chicago offers the Assistive Technology Certificate (ATCP) trains professionals to deliver state-of-the-art assistive technology clinical services to individuals with physical, cognitive and/or sensory disabilities.
RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) is a professional society for individuals and organizations interested in technology and disability.
Closing The Gap strives to provide parents and educators alike, the information and training necessary to locate, compare, and implement assistive technology.
ATIA (Assistive Technology Industry Association) serves as the collective voice of the assistive technology industry so that the best products and services are delivered to people with disabilities.
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Legislation Related to Assistive Technology
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Amended PL 108-446, Dec 2004) Section 602, which provides the federal definitions of Assistive Technology devices and services.
Assistive Technology Act of 1998 (Amended PL 108-364, Oct 2004), legislation that provides funding for AT programs and addresses the needs of individuals from birth through adulthood.
Americans With Disabilities Act (Amended PL 110-325, Sept 2008), legislation guaranteeing rights for people with disabilities, mandating reasonable accommodation and effective communication.
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Amended Aug 1998), Sections 504 and 508, which requires Federal agencies to make electronic and information technologies accessible (508). Section 504 requires school districts that receive any federal funds make programs and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities.
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Assistive Technology Advocacy
Family Support Network's mission is to unify individuals with disabilities and their families to advocate for funding, services, and community resources. The Family Support Network further seeks to ensure the continuation of all individual supports throughout the life span of the individual.
The Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities in Illinois (CCDI) is dedicated to advocating for the rights of all people with all types of disabilities by striving to keep our members informed of the most current disability rights issues and the ways they can help advocate.
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