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Q: Is there a limit to how many sessions I can participate in?
A: There is not a limit but our hope is that we will provide the initial support that you need and give you guidance as to where you can gain additional support as you continue to grow in your knowledge, skills and practices. This may be connecting you to a local resource or support, encouraging you to continue with your professional learning through other EITP offerings or providing linkages to other statewide or national resources that can provide support.
Q: I am not a new provider, but worked in the system for a number of years. Can I still join?
A: The intended audience is new personnel in Illinois Early Intervention or those who within their first 18 months in the EI system. The reason for this is that the questions may be very different for people who are brand new as compared to those who have been navigating the system for a while. This being said, EITP is committed to ensuring all service coordinators and providers in the Illinois early intervention system receive the training and preparation they need to serve eligible infants and toddlers and their families.
If you are a seasoned service coordinator or provider who is not able to find the support you need through your existing networks, training offerings, or resources available on the EITP resources page then please contact us to let us know what type of support you are seeking.
Q: Can I participate in a group setting with another new provider?
A: People are welcome to join the forum individually or in a small group setting. However, it is important that each individual completes the pre-survey so we have the information we need ahead of time. Please also note that some of the features that will be used within the session may require someone to have access to the keyboard to type in comments and questions. If you are participating in a group setting you will need to establish how this will be done so that everyone in the session is able to get their needs met.
Q: I missed the last session and the next one is not for a month. Who can I go to for help between now and then?
A: Depending on the nature of your question there are a number of resources and supports that can assist you between now and the next session. Remember, Provider Connections can help you with credentialing and enrollment questions, the Central Billing Office can assist you with billing, insurance and questions about claims, EI Monitoring can help you with documentation and questions about recordkeeping, EI Clearinghouse is a lending library and may help you identify resources to share with families, the local Child and Family Connections office(s) have Local Interagency Council Coordinators who can help you navigate the system at the local level, and EITP has a number of training events (online and in person) as well as an extensive resource page on the website that might support you on a variety of topics.
Q: Is it possible for me to dial in by phone and not connect through the computer?
A: There is a telephone line for people who are unable to connect through the computer microphone and speakers. However, all participants are encouraged to be connected to the internet and in the meeting room because there will be things shown on the screen and a chat feature that will be used to share comments, questions and direct links to resources. If you are unable to fully participate and engage with these features it may impact your ability to make the most of your time spent.
Q: I am an interpreter/translator? Is it appropriate for me to participate?
A: Interpreters and Translators who have completed the Interpreter/Translator System Overview Training and passed their proficiency exams are welcome to participate. Please note that Interpreters/Translators enrolled in the IL EI System can gain support through the Interpreter/Translator Forum or through the Interpreter/Translator Resource Page on the EITP website. For questions about how to join the Interpreter/Translator Forum please contact Keena Sims.
Q: I am a service coordinator? Is it appropriate for me to participate?
A: Service Coordinators who have completed their required training and attended the System Overview Follow Up Session are welcome to participate. Please note that Service Coordinators are also invited to join the Illinois Service Coordination Community of Practice (IL SC CoP) which is a place dedicated to Service Coordinators to network and support one another.