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  • RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES: Health and Social Media Group

    There are currently two research opportunities available from the Social Action Lab. This research group uses a cross-disciplinary, cutting-edge approach to understand the mechanisms that explain thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. Further details can be found here.

  • Undergraduate Research Support Grant Fall 2017 applications now being accepted

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is now accepting applications for the Research Support Grant (RSG). This grant provides students from all disciplines with the funds necessary to conduct research or creative projects during the academic year both on and off campus (including summer terms). Awards will be up to $2,000 and are meant to cover research travel costs, living expenses incurred during academic breaks (i.e., winter break and summer terms, NOT regular semester living expenses), and materials or other ancillary costs.  We hope that this competition will both broaden and deepen the types of research being conducted by undergraduate students on campus, and that the recipients are able to use this opportunity as a way of engaging with their fields.

    For details, eligibility requirements, and link to the application please visit:

    Deadline for applications will be Thursday, October 19, at 11:59 p.m.


    Questions may be addressed to

  • Fall 2017 Drop-In Hours for Office of Undergraduate Research

  • Getting Started in Undergraduate Research Workshops - Fall 2017 Calendar

    The Office of Undergraduate Research announces its Fall 2017 calendar for the Getting Started in Research Workshop (GSIRW). These workshops provide an overview of the various forms of undergraduate research that take place on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus, and guide students to develop a plan of action to locate relevant research opportunities on campus and discuss ways to contact faculty research mentors.

  • Undergraduate Research Opportunity on the Genomics of Pathogenic Fungi

    An undergraduate research opportunity is available to study genomes of pathogenic fungi. The project runs for the 2018 calendar year, including summer. Students with sophomore or junior standing for 2018 are eligible for the project. Pre-dental students are especially encouraged to apply. Full details about the project and application information are available at

  • Beckman Program Provides Undergrads with Research Experience, Professional Development

    This summer, 10 undergraduate students performed research at the forefront of advanced imaging and microscopy technologies through the “Discoveries in Bioimaging” Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Funded by the National Science Foundation, the 10-week program, which ended Aug. 4, allowed the students to experience life as a graduate student.

  • 2017 Undergraduate Research Week Award Winners!

    Congratulations to our 2017 Undergraduate Research Week award winners! 

  • #IMPARTOFIT - Undergraduate Research Week

    Dear Presenters,The Office of Undergraduate Research is excited to announce its inaugural #IMPARTOFIT campaign. All students presenting at Undergraduate Research Week events (including the Undergraduate Research Symposium) are eligible for a chance to win a $25, $35, and $50 gift card to the Illini Union Bookstore. Promote your research for a chance to win! For instructions on how to be part of it, please see the brochure below (also attached to this post):


  • Undergraduate Research Week 2017 (April 23 - 29) - Program is Posted!

    URW 2017 is Coming…..

    Undergraduate Research Week 2017 is almost upon us (April 23-29; with a few early birds beginning this week), and its bigger than ever! URW showcases the best of undergraduate research and creative inquiry at the U of I. Campus events include workshops on getting started in research, special exhibits, and colloquia sponsored by individual departments, programs, and units, highlighting the best of our students’ work. The Undergraduate Research Symposium, URW’s day-long signature event, will see hundreds of students from all academic disciplines share their research through oral panels, poster presentations, and performances. A highlight of the Symposium is our special lunch time session, with 4 of our best and brightest demonstrating the range of research that occurs at Illinois, from the scarcity of African-Americans in STEM fields to the future of renewable energy. We invite you to come be inspired!

    You can find the program attached to this email, and on our website at:

    Stay up-to-date on URW events by following us on Twitter @ugresearch_UI and Facebook @UGResearchIllinois

  • Getting Started in Undergraduate Research Workshop - April 26, 2017

    In the Getting Started in Research Workshop (GSIRW), we will provide an overview of the various forms undergraduate research that take place on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus and guide students to develop a plan of action to locate relevant research opportunities on campus and discuss ways to contact faculty research mentors.