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  • Toby Beauchamp is a professor of gender and women’s studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Why are so many states trying to limit transgender rights?

    An increasing number of states are proposing anti-transgender bills aimed at issues affecting children. They will lead to more legislation limiting the rights of transgender adults as well, says Professor Toby Beauchamp.

  • U of I sociologist Cynthia Buckley. Photo by Brian Stauffer

    Considering a nation without Roe v. Wade

    How other nations deal with abortion reveals what the U.S. might face in the near future, and U of I sociologist Cynthia Buckley says the U.S. is not prepared to deal with a likely increase of unwanted and unplanned births.

  • Richard L. Kaplan, the Guy Raymond Jones Chair in Law at Illinois and an expert on U.S. tax policy and retirement issues.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Expert: Secure Act regulations seek to dispel 'illusion of wealth' for older adults

    New disclosures on quarterly retirement account statements may alarm some workers who could find their projected monthly retirement income to be 'seriously deficient,' says law professor and tax policy expert Richard L. Kaplan.

  • Plague doctor: ein Kleydung under den Todt. Photo via Wikimedia Commons

    How does history suggest work will change following the pandemic?

    Following a pandemic, workers historically have recognized the value of their labor and become unwilling to accept poor wages and working conditions, said medieval studies expert Carol Symes.

  • Scott Irwin, the Laurence J. Norton Chair of Agricultural Marketing at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

    Will Russian invasion of Ukraine spark a global food crisis?

    Professor Scott Irwin: 'On the international front, the invasion of Ukraine is having a major impact on worldwide grain, livestock and food markets because of the role of the Black Sea region as a major supplier of the world’s grain needs.'

  • adjunct law professor Taisa Markus. Photo by Michelle Hassel

    How effective have economic sanctions been against Russia?

    Sanctions imposed against Russia and Belarus as punishment for invading Ukraine have had an effect but may only have meaningful consequences in the longer term, says a U of I expert in securities law and cross-border capital markets.

  • Patrick Keenan. Photo by Illinois College of Law

    Will anyone be held accountable for war crimes in Ukraine?

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine looks increasingly like a clear-cut violation of the U.N. charter and a crime of aggression, which is illegal under international law, says Illinois expert in human rights and international criminal law Patrick Keenan.

  • NFT intials on metallic lock that sits on computer board. Image by Marco Verch via Wikimedia Commons

    Q and A on NFTs: What they are and their legal, creative, and environment implications

    Many questions surround NFTs, such as what they are (or could become), why prices are so varied, what makes them special, and why there are now concerns about them. Prof. Lav Varshney and researcher Kyle Soska answer some of those questions.

  • Firefighter enters a badly damaged Kharkiv regional state administration building. Photo via Wikimedia Commons

    How does Russian invasion exacerbate Ukraine's humanitarian crisis?

    The damage sustained by Ukraine during the ongoing Russian invasion will require years of rebuilding efforts, necessitating broad-based investments by the U.S., the EU and NATO member states, says Illinois professor Cynthia Buckley.

  • U of I history professor and expert on medical history Rana Hogarth. Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Can historical racism in medicine help explain current racial differences in medical care?

    Acquiring new medical knowledge and assessing health are not as objective as people think, and historical beliefs about racial differences continue to cause problems in medical practice and scientific research, said U of I history professor Rana Hogarth.

  • Aerospace engineering professor Kelly Stephani.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Why is the use of hypersonic missiles in the Russia-Ukraine conflict significant?

    Russia used a hypersonic ballistic missile to destroy an underground arms depot in western Ukraine, marking the first known use of a hypersonic missile in combat. Professor Kelly Stephani explains what makes hypersonic missiles different.

  • Natural resources and environmental sciences professor Lowell Gentry. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    How do we solve the problem of agricultural nutrient runoff?

    Runoff from Midwestern farms is a major contributor to a vast 'dead zone' in the Gulf of Mexico where excess nutrients cause algae to overpopulate, suffocating other aquatic life. U of I researcher Lowell Gentry looks at possible solutions.

  • University Library professor Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe.  Photo by Cindy Brya

    How will termination of research partnerships with Russia affect global scientific research?

    Some research institutions are ending scientific collaborations with Russia since its invasion of Ukraine - actions that are a significant shift in policy from a long tradition of scientific diplomacy, according to Illinois professor Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe. 

  • An empty Coors Field in Colorado. Photo by Jarrett Stewart via Flickr

    Who wins, who loses in MLB labor dispute?

    The current MLB lockout is already shaping up to be the most pivotal labor dispute in the sport since the mid-1990s, which means fans should prepare for the likelihood of more canceled games, says U of I labor law expert Michael LeRoy.

  • Professor Ying Fang. Photo by Chris Beuoy

    Can pet dogs be infected with coronavirus?

    On Feb. 6, a team led by U of I pathobiology professor Ying Fang diagnosed a pet dog in Chicago with the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans. This is the first dog in Illinois to test positive for the coronavirus.

  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign business professor and consumer marketing expert Maria A. Rodas.  Photo by Gies College of Business

    What explains the continuing appeal of Super Bowl advertisements?

    Maria Rodas, an expert in consumer behavior and brand management, speaks about the enduring popularity of Super Bowl advertisements. This year, the network broadcasting the game has sold several 30 second spots for a record-high $7 million.

  • John Scott, a senior chemist with the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    How can Illinois address the problem of PFAS pollution?

    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are widespread, long-lasting and extremely difficult to remove from the environment. 'It seems that everywhere we look for PFAS, they turn up,' says U of I chemist John Scott.

  • political scientist and international relations expert Nicholas Grossman.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    What are the consequences for US interests in Russia-Ukraine conflict?

    The brewing Russia-Ukraine conflict will have significant consequences for U.S. interests in Eastern Europe, said U of I international relations expert Nicholas Grossman. He talks about the many ways the situation could play out.

  • elder law expert Richard L. Kaplan. Photo by Brian Stauffer

    How vulnerable to inflation are the finances of older adults?

    Social Security’s annual cost-of-living adjustment takes some of the sting out of inflation for older adults, said University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign elder law and tax policy expert Richard L. Kaplan.

  • Scott Althaus, the Cline center’s director and a professor of both political science and communication. Photo by Leslie Stauffer

    One year later: Was the capitol attack a coup?

    A U of I research group’s Coup D’état Project categorized the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as an 'attempted dissident coup.' That classification could evolve if investigations reveal evidence that other types of actors were involved.

  • U of I social work professor Tara Powell. Photo by Leslie Brian Stauffer

    How can we identify, respond to pandemic-triggered mental health crises?

    With many adults and children experiencing 'pandemic fatigue' from the continuing disruptions caused by the coronavirus, more people may be at risk of toxic stress and other mental health problems, says social work professor Tara Powell.

  • atmospheric sciences professor and department head (Robert) Jeff Trapp.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    How common are December tornadoes in the US and why are they so dangerous?

    Even though December tornadoes are rare, they pose a significant threat because of their unexpectedness and tendency to occur after sunset while people are sleeping, unaware of the impending danger, says Professor (Robert) Jeff Trapp.

  • Professor, labor expert Bob Bruno. 2015 photo by Brian Stauffer

    Will unionization push among retail workers continue in 2022?

    The unionization of a Starbucks store is a potential watershed moment for organized labor and reflects changes to the underlying conditions impacting the balance of power between capital and labor, says U. of I. labor expert Robert Bruno.

  • ook cover and author photo. Photo courtesy Wesley Moore and photo illustration by L. Brian Stauffer

    How does society impact the benefits and challenges of technology?

    A new book by electrical and computer engineering professor Rakesh Kumar examines how a country’s culture and society influence its adoption of new technologies and vice versa – using India as a case study. 

  • Illinois State Water Survey climate researcher Ashish Sharma.   Photo by Fred Zwicky

    How can cities help accelerate climate action to meet COP26 goals?

    Climate change acts as a threat multiplier to a city’s infrastructure, economic development and public health. (And) cities are taking action because they can. Local governments are most responsive to constituents who are demanding action.

  • Edward A. Kolodziej, an emeritus research professor of political science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and an expert in international relations and global politics.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    What are the geopolitical implications of US nuclear submarine deal with Australia?

    The U.S.-U.K. sale of nuclear subs to Australia is a response to China’s military ambitions in the South China Sea,  said global politics expert Edward Kolodziej. But it effectively cut out France's participation in defining the security architecture of East Asia.

  • Professor Leslie Looney. Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    A large asteroid will pass by Earth this weekend. Should we worry?

    'Anything over 140 meters in diameter could cause major damage to cities or coasts, so any NEO with orbits that cross Earth’s orbit is classified as a potentially hazardous object.' The one we'll see this weekend is 160 meters.

  • Professor Emily Knox. Photo by: Chris Marcinek

    Why is a past attempt to ban 'Beloved' from a high school curriculum a political issue now?

    Professor Emily Knox, author of 'Book Banning in 21st-Century America,' says societal issues, such as changing racial demographics and disagreements over how to teach the history of race, prompt challenges to certain kinds of books.

  • Professor Atul Jain. Photo by Leslie B. Stauffer

    Are global CO2 emissions rebounding to pre-COVID-19 levels?

    The annual Carbon Budget Project report found that global fossil carbon dioxide emissions in 2021 are set to rebound close to their pre-COVID-19 levels, says Illinois atmospheric sciences professor and report co-author Atul Jain.

  • Rebecca Lee Smith, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.  Photo by Fred Zwicky

    Do kids need a COVID-19 vaccine?

    The availability of a COVID-19 vaccine for school-aged children offers protection for children as well as easing challenges faced by their families and their schools, says Rebecca Lee Smith, a U of I epidemiologist.

  • Dr. Leyi Wang and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory have played a key role in diagnosing coronavirus infection in animal species in zoos across the country. Photo by Leslie Stauffer

    Which animals can catch the coronavirus?

    The U of I's Veterinary Diagnostic Lab has played a key role in diagnosing coronavirus infection in animal species in zoos across the country. This is important work for understanding the virus’s behavior and its broad host range, Wang says.

  • Professor Michael Leroy. Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Are President Biden's vaccine mandates lawful?

    The new vaccination requirements for the federal workforce will likely be upheld by the courts, but the OSHA mandate is on shakier legal ground, says labor relations expert Michael LeRoy.

  • Professor Jay Rosenstein. Photo coutesy of himself.

    What has been the impact of the Washington Football Team's name change?

    The changes in the past year in the use of Native American imagery in sports and elsewhere have been unprecedented, said Jay Rosenstein, a Center for Advanced Study professor of media and cinema studies.

  • Corp Sciences Professor Stephen Moose. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    Is the future of agriculture digital?

    Crop sciences professor Stephen Moose and his colleagues aim to develop crops that can communicate with – and receive signals from – digital information-processing systems.

  • Dr. Jim Lowe. Photo by Greg Boozell

    Can people take a livestock drug to treat a deadly virus?

    Taking large or multiple doses of the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin can cause a toxic overdose, and humans should not take forms intended for animal use, says Illinois veterinary medicine expert Dr. Jim Lowe.

  • Professor Jacob Sherkow. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    Paper: Use patent law to curb unethical human-genome editing

    Patent law could create an 'ethical thicket' that discourages access to the medically and ethically dubious practice of heritable human-genome editing, said Jacob S. Sherkow, a professor of law at Illinois and bioethics expert.

  • political science professor Brian Gaines. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    Is the new Illinois state legislative district map fair?

    An interesting wild card is whether any current Republican representatives will have such poor electoral prospects with the new (congressional) map that they jump into the 2022 gubernatorial contest instead of seeking reelection.

  • political science professor Nick Grossman. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    What's next for Afghanistan?

    Professor Nicholas Grossman, an expert in international relations, speaks about the repercussions of the abrupt U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

  • teens wearing masks. Image by Dmitriy Gutarev via Pixabay

    When will teens recover from social isolation of COVID?

    Social isolation is not a good situation for anybody, but for teenagers it’s particularly hard. Studies have long indicated that teens who are socially isolated are at higher risk for mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.

  • Mikihiro Sato is a professor of recreation, sport and tourism at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    What impact do the Olympics and mass-sporting events have on public health?

    COVID has led to the postponement or cancellation of many sporting events. 'As global society continues to recover...the role of live spectating in promoting life satisfaction may become a more relevant topic for us,' says Professor Mikihiro Sato. 

  • Jacob S. Sherkow, a professor of law at Illinois and bioethics expert.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Should the government implement a vaccine passport system?

    Vaccine passports strike the right balance between letting life go on for those vaccinated against COVID-19 while still being realistic about the ongoing public health crisis in the U.S., said bioethics expert Jacob Sherkow.

  • jou

    What are the implications of the recent Supreme Court public school speech case?

    The opaque ruling in the public school speech case Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. shouldn’t deter school officials from disciplining students who engage in cyberbullying, harassment or cheating, said media law expert Benjamin Holden.

  • Illinois Natural History Survey postdoctoral researcher Valeria Trivellone. Photo by Brian Stauffer

    How can the world prevent emerging infectious diseases, protect food security?

    Postdoctoral researcher Valeria Trivellone describes how climate change, globalization, urbanization and trade in wildlife all contribute to the emergence of new infectious diseases and worsen food insecurity.

  • Kevin Leicht, a professor of sociology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    Where have all the entry-level professional jobs gone?

     'It’s far cheaper for a big law firm to hold an online meeting with lawyers in India and have them write a legal document overnight while the partners in the U.S. are sleeping than to pay young lawyers in the firm to write it.'

  • Dr. Sam Sander’s research interests include all aspects of clinical zoo and wildlife medicine.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    How do July 4 celebrations affect wildlife?

    'Fireworks can incite flight responses and disorientation in (birds)... In one documented example, birds flew so far out to sea that there was no possibility they would be able to make the return trip,' writes Professor Sam Sander.

  • Professor Robert Bruno. Photo by L. B. Stauffer

    Are generous unemployment benefits to blame for worker shortages?

    ', people don’t want to work at low-quality jobs anymore. With employers everywhere looking to quickly rehire, workers have some leverage and they’re using it to temporarily stay out of the labor market in certain industries.'

  • American flag painted on cracked concrete. Stock image.

    Is reconciliation realistic?

    Historians warn that deep-seated racial divides in America make political healing a challenging path.

  • Professor Richard Kaplan

    Are the ultrawealthy breaking the law in avoiding taxes?

    The ultrawealthy aren’t breaking the law in avoiding taxes, but public outrage over their financial legerdemain could prompt legislators to consider an annual wealth tax, says tax policy expert Richard L. Kaplan.

  • Lauren R. Aronson, an associate clinical professor of law and the director of the Immigration Law Clinic at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Law.  Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

    Are we experiencing another unaccompanied child 'crisis' at the southern US border?

    The issue of unaccompanied migrant children at the southern U.S. border has embroiled the previous three presidential administrations because there’s no easy solution to the problem, says law professor Lauren Aronson.

  • Why do we need a health care equity law?

    The Illinois Health Care and Human Services Reform Act has potential to address health disparities and foster health equity through provisions, says Illinois professor Ruby Mendenhall.