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  • Special Projects

    iWiE coordinates a group to work on special projects, collaborating with the Community Learning Lab to connect with agencies needing assistance. These projects allow students to gain valuable and practical experience, putting their knowledge and skills to use, and helping the community. The group is overseen by alumni and staff advisors, but primarily operates independantly fulfilling the client's needs.

    ***Spring 2018 semester the group is focusing on planning the Undergraduate Women in Economics Conference***

    If you are interested in being a part of the current or future projects or conference planning, please contact the project lead:Mya Khoury (, Economics Department Student Intern


    Float Center-Champaign (Fall 2016 and Spring 2017)Collected statistical data on chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, spas, physical therapy, athletics, outdoor activities, yoga, meditation, and general wellness practices. Also helped develop a marketing plan for opening the Float Center business.

    Regional Education Board (Fall 2016): Assist with researching and applying for funding and alternative solutions to support after-school initiatives after cuts due to budgetary restraints.

    University YMCA (Spring 2016): Assisted in changing their investments to be SRI (Socially Responsible Investing): helped research and set up an RFP process to solicit proposals; Researched and recommended various SRI funds to help in the RFP evaluation process.

  • iWiE Leadership Positions

    These current students are leading the iWiE efforts, along with various committee members. You may also view them on the iWiE Main Website.

    Sarah Lemenger | President | ACES major | International Minor in ACES | 
    Bio currently unavailable 

    Shrina Patel | Vice President| Economics and Statistics Major | Mathematics Minor | 
    Shrina is the Vice President, and is originally from Elk Grove Village, Illinois.  She’s currently a senior, double majoring in Economics and Statistics with a minor in Mathematics.  She would like to pursue a career in S&T, preferably in IB or trading.  Aside from iWiE, she is also a part of the Illini Raas Dance Team. She also likes to bake, read, and embrace her Indian culture!

    Lucy Lu | Treasurer | Econ Major | Stat and Business Minor | 
    Lucy is currently serving as Treasurer of IWIE in order to gain perspectives on how micro-organizations manage their assets. She is currently searching for a job in the Chicagoland area after graduation to stay close to friends and family. However, she realizes that real-life is fast approaching and may need to compromise her "location, location, location." Her motivation to finish strong is a trip to China (and other Asian countries) after graduation, before work commences.

    Dhwani Jain | Academic Chair | Dual Degree Econonomics and Finance | Minor in Public Relations | 
    Dhwani serves as the Academic Chair.  She is from Mumbai, India, majoring in Finance with a possible dual degree in Economics, and is set to graduate in May 2019.  This past summer she interned with an investment research group in Dubai, U.A.E. and completed a research project to analyze which company in the beauty industry would be the best to invest in. She hopes to work with an investment and portfolio management firm full-time after college, or in Corporate Finance Consulting.  She’s also involved with Econ Peer Mentors, and Entrepreneurs without borders here on campus.

    Mya Khoury | Student Liason | Economics Major | Business, Stat, and Political Science Minor | 
    Mya is the student liaison between Women in Econ and the Econ department. She is a senior majoring in economics, with minors in statistics, business, and political science. She is interested in pursuing a career in either consulting or data analytics.

    Aisha Omowabi | External Chair | Economics Major | Business Minor | 
    Aisha serves as the external chair, and is originally from Chicago Illinois. She is a senior majoring in Economics with a minor in Business, and set to graudate in May of 2018. She hopes to work as a data analyst, then eventually become a consultant after earning her MBA degree. She is also the finanical secretary of the African Student Organization, and is working towards completing her leadership certificate with the Illinois Leadership Center. She loves to travel, and can't wait to tour many parts of the world!

    Namitha Somayaji | Marketing Chair| Economics Major | Computer Science and Informatics Minor | 
    Namitha is our Marketing Chair, from Princeton, New Jersey.  She is majoring in Economics and minoring in Computer Science and Informatics, set to graduate in May 2018.  This past summer she did research for several Economics professors, and she hopes to work in consulting, analytics, strategic resources, or public policy.  She’s a member of the national service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega, and her hobbies and interests include current events, politics, Game of Thrones, West Wing, drawing, watching Netflix, and eating spicy food.

  • About illini Women in Economics

    Illini Women in Economics (iWiE) is group started in Spring 2015 to encourage more female participation in economics, providing relevant support, resources, and opportunities. We welcome students at all levels (undergraduate, Master's, PhD, Faculty, and Alumna) and from any discipline, who share a passion for economics and promoting our mission on campus.

    If you are interested in connecting with the group and hearing about upcoming events, please follow iWiE on social media and ensure you are on the email list (see information on connecting below). iWiE is a student-run group associated with the Department of Economics.

  • Connect with iWiE!

    iWie Main Website (Find the Executive Committee, Upcoming Events, Announcements, etc.)
    Subscribe iWiE Email Listserv 