- Lead group and committee meetings (presentations)
- Coordinate with Departmental Staff
- Manage otherleadership positions and ensureeveryone is on track with assigned duties
- Create group guidelines and work onstrategic plan with leadership committee
- Manage emails and create group surveys and solicit feedback and ideas from general membership
- Oversee operating budget; provide Department with request for funds and semester budget/costs
Vice President
- Update/oversee social media and website
- Coordinate projectswith graphic designer
- Book rooms for meetings (communicating with Department)
- Keep meeting notes
- Develop plan and coodinate promotional/marketing of group
Internal Affairs: Academic & Professional
- Find, plan, and execute workshops with professors or speakers
- Coordinateclassroom academic activities
- Ex: Special lectures or host classes of specific topics
- Work with the Department onmentoring and academic support programs
Internal Affairs: Social & Special Events
- Plan and execute social events (frequently)
- Hold special events like discussions of current newstopics or concentration area discussions
- Work with the Department on recruitment efforts
External Affairs (Co-Chairs)
- Alumna networking
- Strategic planning, outreach, and communication
- Collaborate with community partners andother RSOs
- Coordinate shared events and promote opportunities to group
- UniversityY project would be under external affairs as an extra committee
Public Affairs (Co-Chairs)
- Manage/develop group social media websites (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) and provide updates to iWiE website
- Create social media and promotional plan for different constituents (members, alumna, corporations, public, faculty, etc.)- work with graphic designers/Department on Branding
- Manage group emails account & Message Boards
- Create group surveys (based on charges by the rest of the leaderships team)
- Work with other leadership to ensure communication is professional and consistent
The internal and external chair will have their own committee of people to help them with ideas and each step. The entire leadership team will work together on all efforts.
Since iWiE is a new organization and as the group continues to expand and operate, the leadership positions may re-structure as needed. These positions will be in place until the end of Fall 2016 (unless students graduate prior to this term), and the leadership will take on the responsibility of elections for the next leadership committee. The selection committee may elect co-chairs as they see necessary, or may see an opportunity for the creation of additional positions.