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School of Social Work News

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  • Things to keep you occupied

    If you're looking for something to do, here are some of the resources that you can utilize during your social distancing.

    Harry Potter Digital Escape Room

    Digitally visit a zoo or aquarium

    Virtually visit a famous museum

    Pick up a new hobby or even better, pick up a hobby from your past that you've enjoyed in the past and lost time for.

    Read a book, or a book series that you've never read before.

    Contact your favorite advisor and help him find articles on higher education policy changes regarding international students after 9/11.

    Finally, if you just need to just unwind, find a new tv show or movie that you've never seen before and watch an episode or two (probably not a whole season in a couple of days).

  • Fall/Summer 2020 Advising Appointment

    Fall/Summer 2020 Advising Appointments will still be happening, though as you'll see below, we have a bit more time than normal after spring break for everyone to have their appointment. Please call the office at 217-244-5246 and you can schedule an advising appointment. You will have the option to have a Zoom advising appointment or a phone advising appointment. You'll all get very comfortable with Zoom over the next few weeks, but it is very easy to use, especially on your end and due to the ability of me to share my screen with you, this would be my preferred method so that you can take a screen shot of your planning sheet and have a copy of it. I would strongly encourage you to be on WIFI during a Zoom meeting as I'm pretty confident it would use a decent amount of data. You can join a Zoom meeting and not utilize your camera if you'd rather not be seen. With my new fancy headset, you'll get to see me ready to take on dozens of Middle Schoolers at Call of Duty. If you can't get to WIFI or if you have issues with Zoom we can do a phone appointment, but this would be a secondary option. When you call to schedule your appointment, you'll be asked if you prefer a Zoom or phone appointment. If at all possible I'd prefer to proceed with Zoom. 

  • COVID-19 Resources and Website

    The University has created a COVID-19 website with resources and information for all students. If you're looking for information start here and if you can't find the answer that you are looking for please contact the School of Social Work and we'll help you find the answer. 

  • Change in Academic Calendar

    The University has made 2 significant changes to the Academic Calendar. You now have until Friday, March 27th to drop a course, elect Credit/No Credit, or Grade Replacement for a full semester Spring 2020 course. 

    Also, Fall 2020 time tickets will be delayed two weeks until April 6, 2020, and Summer/Fall Registration for current students will begin on April 20, 2020.

  • March 11th Wellness Wednesday

    Restorative Exercise: Moving Better for Students. CU Movement, Wednesday, 3/11,
    12-12:50 & 5-5:50 pm, Rm 2018

  • Career Week & Job Fair, 3/23-4/3

    Career Week & Job Fair, 3/23-4/3, attend all of the following events and earn a Career Readiness Certificate!

    Career Closet: Room 2003(Skills Lab), free gently used professional clothing. Contact Laura Graven ( or Sharva Hampton-Campbell ( for a personal, professional attire consultation and access to the career closet or stop by during the following hours:

    Monday, 3/23: 11 am – 2 pm & 5 pm - 6 pm
    Tuesday, 3/24:  10 am - 12 pm & 5 pm - 6pm
    Thursday, 3/26: 10 am - 12 pm & 5 pm – 6 pm
    Friday, 3/27:  11 am – 2 pm
    Monday, 3/30: 11 am – 2 pm & 5 pm – 6 pm
    Tuesday, 3/31: 11 am – 12 pm & 5 pm – 6 pm
    Wednesday, 4/1: 11 am – 2 pm & 5 pm – 6 pm
    Thursday, 4/2: 11 am – 2 pm & 5 pm – 6 pm

    Resume and Cover Letter Review, Tuesday, 3/24 , 12 -12:50 pm and Thursday, 3/26, 5-5:30 pm, room 2015, facilitated by Monica Cherry.

    What Not To Wear (to an interview and work), Wednesday, 3/25, 12 pm, and 5:30 pm, room 2019, facilitated by Monica Cherry, Laura Graven, and Sharva Hampton-Campbell.

    Interviewing and Professional Attire Review, Friday, 3/27, 2:30 pm – 5 pm, room 2015. The session will cover how to prepare for a job fair and the difference between interviewing and networking.

    Job Fair, Friday, April 3, 10 am – 1 pm, Rosecrance, 2302 Moreland Ave, Champaign. Bring your resume and come prepared to talk with social service agency representatives about current openings.

  • NASW-IL Lobby Leader Training Program

    Wednesday, 4/1, from 10 am – 4 pm, Hilton Garden Inn, 3100 S. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield. NASW-IL is seeking social work students to help educate and lead social workers through the capitol to scheduled meetings with their senate and house legislators. You will attend a full day of training on 4/1 and lead groups during Advocacy Day on 4/2.  Lodging, breakfast and lunch will be provided on 4/1 and your registration for Advocacy Day will be waived.  Apply for the one-day training at

    If accepted, the SSW will provide a $25 stipend for travel to Springfield. Contact Sharva Hampton-Campbell at for more information.

  • NASW-IL Advocacy Day at the Capitol

    Thursday, 4/2, 9 am – 3 pm. The SSW has chartered a bus to transport students to Advocacy Day.

    This year’s Advocacy Day attendees will meet at the staging location before heading over to the Illinois State Capitol building for a day of lobbying and observing legislative action with peers. Attendees will be split up by their senate and house districts and lead by a trained NASW-Illinois Chapter Lobby Leader (LL) to meetings with their elected officials—lobby leaders have been trained in effective lobbying and have a familiarity with the capitol. Lobby leaders will serve as the point person for your legislative visits and will assist the group in effective lobbying practices. After lobbying, all social workers will gather by the Lincoln Statue in front of the Illinois State Capitol building for a rally (weather permitting) with invited elected representatives.

    Registration to attend Advocacy Day is $10.00, and the deadline to register is Friday, 3/27. Register HERE.

    Register HERE for the SSW chartered bus. Registration is open until the bus reaches capacity.

  • National Social Work Month Trivia Answers and Winners

    March is National Social Work Month! How much do you know about social work? On 3/5, 3/12, and 3/26, you will receive an emailed link to trivia questions, and you have until 11:59 pm to reply with your answer.  Each correct answer will provide you with an entry into the weekly drawing for some social work swag. The winners will be announced in the weekly newsletters on 3/9, 3/23 and 3/30. 

    There were no BSW entries last week. You can't win if you don't enter!


    The National Association of Social Workers is the source for the student code of ethics for becoming a professional social worker.  True

    You must complete 3000 hours of supervision before you can take the Licensed Clinical Social Work exam. True

    Winners: Jennifer Abell, Ashley Alexander, Iliana Barragan, Maribel Belen, Nicole Cantoni, Molly Conn, Samantha Fragale, Markie Gentry, Rachel Gonzales, Natalie Kos, Vicky Li, Katelyn Moser, Zoe Piedra, Erin Rooney, Melissa Smith, Ashley Wilson-Bell.

  • HEALS Conference

    The Social Work Health Education and Leadership Scholars (HEALS) are hosting a free educational event on Friday, March 27 at the I-Hotel titled “Cannabis in Illinois: Policy and Practice from Social Work Perspectives.” The morning event will involve roundtables, a panel, and a keynote speaker where we can all come together and learn more about the recent law legalizing and regulating cannabis in the state of Illinois. Two BSW and two MSW students have worked with HEALS affiliate faculty to plan an event that is by students and for students. We hope you can join us. Please register using the following link or the QR code on our flyer