In December, we communicated that the University of Illinois System would continue the paid leave provisions of FFCRA until more information was available from the federal government about the continuation or termination of this benefit. These provisions for time off, which an employee may need because of qualifying reasons related to COVID-19, will be extended through March 31, 2021.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 encouraged employers to voluntarily extend access to Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave through March 31, 2021.
If an employee needs to utilize FFCRA COVID-related leave time:
- Employees must meet eligibility requirements to qualify.
- Emergency Paid Sick Leave: The timeframe is extended for using the original amount of leave that was available. This means, from January 1 - March 31, 2021, eligible employees are entitled only to any remaining paid emergency sick leave time left from the original allotment of leave that was made available on April 1, 2020.
- Expanded Family and Medical Leave: This expanded leave time also does not start over, but continues to be based on an employee’s FMLA event date and usage.
If an employee has already exhausted leave time available under the FFCRA, but has a COVID-19 related absence:
- Please consider whether another type of time off is available, either paid or unpaid, for which the employee may be eligible.
- Contact your HR representative for assistance with any unique circumstances.
Please share with anyone having personnel responsibilities in your area. Your staff who process transactions via the Human Resources Front End (HRFE) system will receive more detailed instructions. Direct questions to your unit HR representative or HR office:
For those employees who are represented by a union, this will be implemented through the collective bargaining process.