FROM: Shari Mickey-Boggs, Senior Associate Chancellor for Human Resources
You may recall the System HR office’s message from earlier this week that provided an update on the new law, Paid Leave for All Workers Act. The University of Illinois now provides paid leave each year to employees who previously did not receive vacation leave. This includes faculty who do not already earn vacation. A message from Illinois Human Resources was sent to faculty on Wednesday informing them of this new leave and this information is addressed below.
Now Available for Faculty (including Post-Doctoral Research Associates)
Our campus implemented this leave for faculty effective January to ensure those who desire or have a need to take this time have appropriate opportunity to do so while not interfering with critical instructional time.
Faculty with a 1 FTE appointment now have up to 2.5 days of leave available this semester with usage reported each year similar to sick and other leave. The Vacation Sick Leave System will be updated to capture the use of this new leave. In the meantime, units will need to manually track this leave.
Policies regarding partial appointments and appointments which begin mid-semester are being finalized. We anticipate the leave time to be prorated appropriately.
Other Things to Know
- Student employees, including graduate students, are not eligible for this paid leave.
- Staff employees will not be able to begin using this leave until March 31, 2024.
- Look for upcoming messages from System Human Resources and Illinois Human Resources with additional details about this leave over the next month.
For questions or clarifications, please contact Laura Czys, Director of Policy Design and Administration (