To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads
We recently communicated that the University of Illinois System will continue to provide supplemental coronavirus-related paid sick leave to eligible employees. While we continue to monitor state and federal action regarding COVID-19-related paid sick leave, this temporary leave time is available from October 1 and is expected to expire October 31, pending further notice and/or receipt of state or federal guidance.
After the date of our previous notice, temporary coronavirus paid leave was updated so that employees who exhausted paid time off provided under the American Rescue Plan Act ARE ELIGIBLE for this leave. Even if an employee exhausted COVID-related leave that was available prior to Sept. 30, they may still be eligible for leave for one of the following reasons:
Temporary Coronavirus Paid Leave may be used for: obtaining the vaccine; recovering from any injury, disability, illness, or condition related to the vaccination; and/or complying with an isolation order due to infection with the virus even if asymptomatic.
Your university or system Human Resources office has communicated the details and processes for this leave to HR managers.