Dear Colleagues,
Many graduate and professional students with research or work duties may require access to campus buildings prior to the start of classes on January 25. We ask supervisors to work with their graduate students to arrange for building access and to continue with the processes in place through January 14.
Between January 15 and January 24, the Safer Illinois App and Boarding Pass will be reset for the Spring term, at which time building access will be shown as denied until a student receives two negative on-campus COVID-19 test results. It is possible that some students who have research or work duties may require access to campus building during this time, but their Safer Illinois App and Boarding Pass will show a denied status. We have created this form for units who wish to incorporate it into their building access procedures and for students who may need to provide documentation of approved building access.
Beginning January 25, students can use the Safer Illinois app or the Boarding Pass for building access.
Please see additional information on the campus COVID-19 website about Spring 2021 Return to Campus for Students.
Mike DeLorenzo
Senior Associate Chancellor for Administration and Operations
Chair, COVID-19 Executive Steering Committee on Return to On-Campus Operations
Matthew Tomaszewski
Executive Associate Provost for Capital Planning
Vice Chair, COVID-19 Executive Steering Committee on Return to On-Campus Operations