Dear Colleagues,
As you prepare to process P&T dossiers for AY 2021-2022 for faculty members in your unit, we call your attention to two new resources that are now available for your immediate use:
- Sample Letter for External Evaluators for dossiers that are being considered for promotion from Associate Professor to Full Professor. The new wording in the sample letter emphasizes criteria that external evaluators need to pay attention to as they evaluate dossiers of faculty members at Illinois who are going up from Associate to Full Professor.
- Fillable Promotion Dossier: This MS Word document has been pre-formatted using our required Outline of Promotion Dossier and is designed to be fillable to increase efficiency and minimize confusion among our users. This is an optional form and is not required.
Two additional reminders:
- Internal and External Evaluators: We want to remind you that selecting a slate of external and internal evaluators who are qualified and objective is extremely critical in the P&T process. Please make sure that evaluators do not present any conflict-of-interest when reviewing the dossier. Please refer to Provost Communication #9 - pages 11-13 for information on conducting unit evaluations and pages 14-18 for guidelines regarding soliciting external evaluators.
- Cover Sheets: Please be sure to use the most current version of the cover sheet for P&T cases for tenure-stream faculty members as well as promotional cases for specialized faculty members. The most up-to-date versions can be found here:
Decisions to promote faculty members and to award tenure are the most important made by the University, for they determine the quality of the faculty for decades to come. Thus, ensuring the integrity of our campus tenure and promotion procedures is of utmost importance and we appreciate your continued attention and care to the process.