Dear Deans, Directors and Department Heads,
I am pleased to inform you that the University has modified several Provost Communications as described below:
Provost Communication #3: Appointments of Faculty, Specialized Faculty, and Academic Professionals – The section Interim or Acting Executive Officer Appointments on page 15 has been updated to include the following wording:
The University of Illinois strives to recruit and hire the best-qualified faculty, staff, and administrators. We do so by ensuring that our search processes are competitive, ethical, equitable, and open to a diverse range of candidates.
In certain circumstances, an open position may be filled via an interim appointment, search waiver, or internal-only search. Appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that these mechanisms are used in a manner that is consistent with the university’s values and best interests. Further details can be found in the policies and procedures governing the Recruitment and Hiring Guidelines.
Additionally, wording was updated to reflect the changes in processing systems from HireTouch to JDXpert and Cornerstone. Sample transmittal forms were also removed from the website (and reference to them in the communication was removed) as samples from the new systems are unavailable.
Provost Communication #6: Named Faculty Appointment - The following statement on page 17, in the Leaves of Absence, Retirement, and Resignation section under Retirement has been updated to simplify the language around the process:
Upon retirement, the balance in the spending account of a named chair or professor reverts to the unit where the endowment is located. In the case of campus-wide appointments, the funding reverts to the Provost’s Office.
Provost Communication #12: Policy for Awarding Emeritus-Emerita Status - The wording on page 2 in the Guidelines section under Administrators has been updated to include deans and directors of academic units who qualify for Emeritus-Emerita status:
Presidents, chancellors, deans, and directors of academic units may retain at the time of retirement their last administrative title, followed by “Emeritus/Emerita.”
Provost Communication #27: Shared Governance for Academic Units - The first bulleted item on page 2 in the Guidelines on Information Sharing and Transparency section was updated to provide clarification on the how and where unit bylaws are shared publicly by all academic programs, departments, schools, and colleges at Illinois:
Unit bylaws are readily available to everyone in the unit (e.g., distributed to new faculty), made accessible to the campus community and public (e.g., prominently posted on the website), and are followed conscientiously.
If you have questions on any of the Provost Communications, please send it to
William Bernhard
Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost Designate