To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads
Last October, we communicated that the University of Illinois System would provide supplemental coronavirus-related paid sick leave to eligible employees. With the recent changes in COVID-19 requirements and guidance, this is a reminder that paid time off is still available to eligible employees for certain COVID-19 circumstances.
Temporary Coronavirus Paid Leave may be used for: obtaining the vaccine, including vaccine boosters; recovering from any injury, disability, illness, or condition related to the vaccination or booster; complying with an isolation order due to infection with the virus even if asymptomatic; and effective January 9, 2022, for complying with a quarantine order due to close contact exposure to a COVID-19 positive individual.
Employees who have exhausted this paid leave should contact their HR office about eligibility for other paid or unpaid leave.
Your university or system Human Resources office will communicate a reminder of this leave to HR managers.