Welcome to the Illinois HR Newsfeed, a source for information related to Illinois HR policies, updates, and announcements.
Gift Days—December 2018
December 27, 28, and 31 of 2018 have been designated as “gift days,” meaning that employees are excused from work with pay without having to charge a benefit. If an employee is required to work on one or more of those days, he/she must receive an alternate gift day that must be used by June 30, 2019. For other questions related to gift days, contact Labor and Employee Relations at 333-3105.
Illinois Human Resources
2018 Ethics Training Deadline Is November 30!
Employees have received an email to their official university account with instructions and the login/password combination to access their training until 5 p.m. central time on November 30, 2018. Please encourage completion.Illinois Human Resources
BOT Meeting Date Changed for January 2019
The Board of Trustees January 2019 meeting date has changed, giving more time for submission of January faculty and administrative appointments that require prior approval. The schedule for submission to ForBOTapproval@illinois.edu has been updated on the Illinois Human Resources website. To navigate to the revised schedule, go to the “HR Professionals” tab, click “Hiring Employees,” then “Steps to Hire,” then “Tenure System Faculty,” and then finally the words “Instructions for BOT Approval of Faculty Hires.”
Illinois Human Resources
Winter Courtesy Parking Hours
To assist evening campus commuters in the winter, the Parking Department will implement the following enforcement policy: Effective Nov. 5 through March 11, 2019, all university rental lots posted for enforcement from 6 a.m. – 5 p.m. (M – F) will be open for general public parking beginning at 4 p.m. All street meters and 24-hour parking rental areas will continue to be enforced as posted.
Parking Department