Dear Unit Head,
March 1 is once again the official start of the employee sexual misconduct training: Haven for Faculty & Staff. Sexual misconduct training is of utmost importance to our university community as it concerns the safety of our students, faculty, and staff. All employees, unless specifically exempt, are “responsible” employees, meaning we have an obligation to report to the appropriate authorities any perceived or actual sexual misconduct we become aware of. The Haven for Faculty and Staff online course, hosted by Everfi, provides important information and resources for employees who become involved in a report of sexual misconduct involving a university student.
I am asking for your assistance in encouraging your employees to complete this training early in the training window. I know that everyone is busy and sometimes overwhelmed by the many mandatory training requirements federal and state law impose on us, so this year training was opened January 28 to assist with early completion. So far we are at a 28% completion rate for the campus.
All paid employees must complete this training, with the exception of most undergraduate student workers. The following groups of undergraduate student employees are considered responsible employees and are also required to complete the training: resident advisors, multicultural advocates, student patrol officers, and teaching assistants. If you have employees in your units who are also enrolled students, they are required to complete both the student and employee training programs, as the content is vastly different.
Each university unit has at least one designated contact who is able to monitor training completion status on a daily basis, and they were contacted on February 15. If you need assistance identifying the contact(s) for your unit, please email your chart and organization code information to for a list of employees with access. Please coordinate with your unit contact to send any necessary communications to outstanding employees encouraging their compliance – unit contacts have access to the email addresses of all employees who have not yet completed their mandatory training.
All employees will be notified via their university emails accounts on March 1, 2019 and should log into the training using their university netid and password. Please note that this year the training will require 2-Factor Authentication. Though the course may be completed in segments, employees should expect to spend at least one hour total on this content. Any employee whose training is not fully completed by 5:00 p.m. CT on April 3 will be considered noncompliant. Failure to comply will result in internal discipline, which must be coordinated by the unit and Illinois Human Resources.
Content questions can be directed to my office at: (217) 333-3333, toll free at (844) 616-7978, or by email at
Answers to some of the frequently asked questions around employee training are available on the We Care website:
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this requirement.
Danielle Morrison, JD, PhD
Title IX and Disability Coordinator
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
616 E. Green Street, Suite 214 MC-388
Champaign, Illinois 61820
Phone: (217) 333-3333
Toll free: (844) 616-7978
Fax: (217) 244-1363