Dear Colleagues,
University faculty and staff interact with federal, state, and local government officials in many ways, including: inviting officials to campus, testifying at legislative hearings, and visiting legislators in their offices. In order to coordinate this engagement with elected officials, the University of Illinois System Council on Governmental and External Relations has created guidelines for University faculty and staff.
The Council on Governmental and External Relations (COGER) exists to coordinate the system offices on advocacy efforts and promote a unified message from the System. Goals of the council include: developing and coordinating collective goals and strategies for stronger government engagement, planning and overseeing effective outreach and advocacy, and sharing best practices and expertise regarding governmental advocacy across the system and its three universities. Bob Flider, Director of Community and Government Relations, from our University serves on this council.
These guidelines will increase the effectiveness and impact of interactions with elected officials through coordination with campus and System leadership. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the Advocacy Guidelines, please don’t hesitate to contact Bob Flider at
Wanda E. Ward, Ph.D.
Executive Associate Chancellor for Administration and University Relations