Dear Colleagues,
I write to ask for your assistance in nominating potential recipients for the University’s prestigious International Achievement Awards. These five different awards provide us with a remarkable opportunity to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of deserving alumni, faculty, and current students for their globally-focused work and/or scholarship.
In 2000, a gift from Madhuri and Jagdish Sheth established an award that recognizes the exceptional achievement of an international Illinois graduate. The Sheths envisioned an award that would showcase the university’s significant international reach. The campus has built on this vision by creating several additional awards. First, the Office of the Provost instituted a faculty award for distinguished international achievement. Then, in 2005, the Office of the Associate Provost for International Affairs created three new awards. The first recognizes international achievement by a young alum doing humanitarian work and was endowed by Professor Emeritus Charles C. Stewart in 2007. The second award recognizes international achievement or service by a university graduate student. Finally, the third award was created as a companion to the graduate award, and acknowledges undergraduate international service or achievement.
Submitting a nomination for a colleague or student is simple and can be completed online via our website at Nominations will be accepted through June 1, 2019.
I hope you will consider nominating a colleague for an award. Please feel free to share the attached announcement with your faculty and encourage them to nominate one of their students. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Illinois International’s Global Communication team at
Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for International Affairs and Global Strategies
Professor: Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign