To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads
From: System Human Resource Services
Subject: Upcoming State Audit for Part-Time Insurance Rates
The purpose of this message is general awareness - there is no action to take at this time.
The State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS), the agency that administers insurance benefits for employees, has announced an audit that may impact some university employees. This annual audit determines if benefit-eligible employees are being assessed the correct premium and seeks to identify any employees who are considered part-time for State benefit purposes, but who are not currently paying the higher part-time rates.
The State Employee Benefits Handbook includes the following statement regarding this audit.
NOTE: Although your employment status may be classified as full-time, your eligibility for group insurance could be classified as part-time based upon an annual review of hours worked. In this case, you will be responsible for a portion of the State’s contribution.
Additional information will be provided if an employee in your unit is identified in the audit. University Payroll & Benefits (UPB) and Human Resources will be reviewing work schedule and payroll records, and may request assistance or documentation from your area if needed.
The audit is anticipated to impact only a small number of employees. Contact UPB or System HR with any questions.