Dear Colleagues,
The following information is intended to provide additional guidance on essential instructional personnel. We have already shared this information with your deans, directors and senior leadership team. They will follow-up with their teams, but I wanted to ensure you were in the loop about the following logistical details about online instruction. If you have questions, please consult with your dean or unit executive officer.
Executive summary:
In light of the recent stay-at-home mandate from the governor and the exemption for educational institutions “for purposes of facilitating distance learning” provided that “social distancing of six-feet per person is maintained to the greatest extent possible,” I wanted to write to provide details on our continuity of instruction and classroom and building utilization plans.
Instructors and staff are permitted to come to campus as needed to implement remote instruction. This includes creating lecture videos and other content in classroom, studio or office spaces. Support staff are permitted on campus to support instructors in their remote instruction efforts and/or to maintain our IT infrastructure. All instructors and staff are asked to maintain social distancing, wash hands frequently and stay home if symptomatic.
Many of the buildings and classrooms on campus will be locked for safety and efficiency, as we have implemented an elevated cleaning protocol. General assignment classrooms (non-college or department controlled) will mostly be locked, unless faculty have made arrangements for access. We have several rooms with lecture capture technology that will be kept open and can be scheduled by instructors. The following link provides a list of building hours, including which buildings are card or key access only:
If instructors would like to use a general assignment classroom space to record lectures or perform other remote instruction activities, they have been asked to email
For those units that have already made arrangements with their instructors to access college or department-controlled rooms, please make sure you have provided card or key access to the facility if you have requested this level of restriction for your building(s).
Increased technical support and online instruction support will be available to faculty, staff and students throughout the rest of the semester. For all technical support questions, all users can check the special guide for Continuing Key University Activities or contact For questions about remote teaching design and implementation, instructors can go to:, email or attend one of the daily teaching support office hours.
Finally, faculty and staff may get concerns from students about various aspects of the shift to remote instruction. The Illinois Keep Learning website has resources for students about how to learn online, how to access a computer or internet service and how to get technical support. In particular, note that a number of internet providers are offering free or reduced cost internet access for students. Also, students can contact the Student Assistance Center to get help if they do not have access to a computer or need help with internet access.
My deepest appreciation goes to all of you, your faculty and staff for your hard work, creativity, cooperation, flexibility, patience and dedication to making our shift to alternative education delivery as expeditious and successful as possible.
Andreas C. Cangellaris
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost