I am pleased to announce that Illinois Human Resources (IHR) will fully implement our Matrix Team design for operational service delivery campus wide effective immediately. We introduced this model and team assignments to many senior leaders in November 2023 while we were in a pilot phase.
By organizing campus units in smaller communities and assigning them to a matrix team of specific IHR professionals, IHR staff will deepen relationships with campus customers, provide end-to-end oversight and coordination of the hiring process, reducing cycle time and delivering better outcomes. Your college/major administrative unit is now assigned to a specific team of experts from our centers of expertise. You can find the entire model and the staff members assigned to each team online. I would like to recognize Deb Stone, Assistant Chancellor, Centers of Expertise, for her leadership in implementing this new structure.
Our team leads will soon meet with the primary HR campus partner for your college/major administrative unit to further discuss the model and respond to questions. HR partners are encouraged to invite other college or unit team members to join them.
I look forward to this positive shift in our service delivery as we strive to enhance our collaborative partnerships. Thank you for your support.
Shari Mickey-Boggs
Senior Associate Chancellor for Human Resources
Illinois Human Resources