This subpage from the SSIP Local Leadership Team Resources page contains national and Illinois-specific resources that are key to understanding and determining child and family outcomes.
National Resources
Age Anchoring Tools (PDFs): These materials, developed by Larimer County (Colorado), provide examples of age-expected development according to the three child outcome areas. They cover child skills and functioning from birth to 36 months to support understanding of age-expected child development. You can reference the developmental milestones to ‘age anchor’ the skills they document as part of the child’s current level of functioning.
Age Anchoring Guidance for Determining COS Ratings - Guidance for EI/ECSE Practitioners and Trainers (PDF- April 2018) provides answers to commonly asked questions about age anchoring as it applies to the COS process. It is designed as a reference for practitioners, as well as supervisors, coaches, and professional development staffs.
Child Outcome Summary -Team Collaboration (COS-TC) Quality Practices Checklist and Descriptions (PDF - Younggren, Barton, Jackson, Swett, & Smyth, 2017) Built around a set of quality practices, the Child Outcome Summary -Team Collaboration (COS-TC) checklist provides a mechanism for those who implement, supervise, or train on the COS process to identify, observe, and assess recommended team collaboration. It includes a description of each of the quality practices, what it is, and two examples of ways to introduce the different COS discussion points with team members. Related resources:
Integrating Child and Family Outcomes into the IFSP Process (PDF - 2014) The purpose of this chart from ECTA is to help integrate Child and Family Outcomes into the IFSP Process from referral to transition.
Instructions for Completing the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) (PDF - 5/2009) These instructions from ECTA (formerly ECO) provide directions on how to use the COSF, including basic directions for filling out the form, definitions of the outcomes ratings, and scoring methods and considerations.
Outcome Rating Definitions (without numbers) (PDF - 2012) This document from ECTA (formerly ECO) provides definitions for each of the 7 ratings on one page. Teams may wish to use the one-pager as a reference during rating discussions. The definitions are also available in the Instructions for the Completing of the COSF (PDF).
Child & Family Outcomes: How Do You Know? (2015) This article by Dana Childress from Early Intervention Strategies for Success Blog discusses strategies to consider as dig deeper into the outcomes children and family experience as you determine, monitor and measure progress within child and family outcomes as a result of participating in your program.
Illinois-Specific Resources
Child Outcomes: Measure the Benefits of Early Intervention (2015) Los resultados infantiles. La medida de los beneficios de la intervención temprana (2015) The Illinois EI Clearinghouse put together a brief overview of the benefits of measuring child outcomes. This page is great to share with families!
Decision Tree for Summary Rating Decisions (without numbers) (PDF, 2017) Designed to support the IFSP team’s discussion and consensus on a child’s outcomes rating.
DRAFT COS policy/procedure (PDF, 2017) This draft of the Illinois Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Policy and Procedure which provides considerations and timelines to guide the COS process while working in Illinois Early Intervention.
DRAFT COS Appendix (PDF, 11/9/2017) This draft of the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Appendix is to be added to Illinois Child and Family Connections (CFC) Procedure Manual.
Jen Annual IFSP Video This video of an annual IFSP meeting includes a recording of a COS Discussion. Related Resource:
Illinois COS Process Fidelity Checklist (fillable PDF - 11/16/18) This form developed for Illinois is a checklist to help support the assessment of COS process fidelity. Also available in Word document format.
Outcomes: Measuring the Success of Early Intervention for IFSP (PDF) Resultados: la medición del éxito de la intervención temprana a IFSP (PDF) To help prepare for individualized family services plan (IFSP) meetings, this handout gives an overview of child, family and functional outcomes as well as explaining your role in the process and how the outcome measurements are used.
Outcomes: Measuring the Success of Early Intervention for Intake (PDF) Resultados: la medición del éxito de la intervención temprana al Consumo (PDF) To help during intake, this handout gives an overview of child, family, and functional outcomes as well as explaining the family's role in the process and how the outcome measurements are used.