This subpage from the SSIP Local Leadership Team Resources page contains national and Illinois-specific resources that are key to understanding and applying the best practices for family engagement.
National Resources
Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices (RPs) guide the work of administrators, practitioners, and service coordinators serving young children with, or at risk for, delays and disabilities and their families. The DEC RPs are also available in Spanish: Prácticas recomendadas de la DEC. There are also some Illinois-specific resources related to DEC RPs:
Practice Improvement Tools: Using the DEC Recommended Practices (from ECTA) help practitioners implement evidence-based practices. All are available in both English and Spanish.
- Performance checklists help practitioners improve their skills, plan interventions, and self-evaluate their use evidence-based practices.
- Practice guides for practitioners and families explain the practices and how to do them using videos and vignettes, and also describe how users will know if practices are working.
Illinois-Specific Resources
Everyday Early Intervention: Sharing your family’s lifestyle and culture (EI Clearinghouse, 2/7/2023) La intervención temprana diaria. Compartir información sobre la cultura y la forma de vida de su familia is a tipsheet for families explaining the importance and value of sharing cultural and lifestyle with early interventionists.
Early Intervention Fits Right In (EI Clearinghouse Newsletter, Summer 2017) La intervención temprana cuadra bien explains to families EI, SSIP, and Family Outcomes Survey
Family Engagement Tips (pdf) (EITP, 2020) includes video resources and guidance for engaging families before, during, and after the visit.
Illinois Family Engagement Practice Profile - User Guide (pdf) Developed by EITP, this profile contains 15 family engagement practices anchored to 5 DEC RPs with the intention to support and inform the work of SSIP in Illinois. The practices specifically aim to provide families with opportunities to reflect and share their ideas and opinions, make decisions for their family, practice implementing agreed-upon developmental supports and strategies with their child, and assess the effectiveness of those interventions with their team.
Indicators of Family Engagement in Early Intervention Practice Profile (pdf) can be used as a Family Engagement Fidelity Tool.
Resource Guide on Family Engagement (EI Clearinghouse, 1/5/2023) introduces you to important books, videos, and information resources available on the topic of Family Engagement.
What is Family Engagement? (EI Clearinghouse Newsletter, Spring 2022) ¿Qué es la participación familiar? has resources and an article defining family engagement for families