Hello! I am currently seeking a female roommate for an Ashton Woods apartment. I move in within the first week or two of August to begin my TA. I am not picky when it comes to the kitchen options, furnished would be nice :)
It is very important for me to have a roommate who is LGBTQ+ friendly. Personality wise, I am an easy-going person. I enjoy things being clean and I am very academically driven, and will devote a lot of my time to studying and working on various projects. I would like a roommate who is friendly and willing to explore the area together, as I am moving from the east coast and have never been to the area.
I am also interested in getting a cat. It would be a hypo-allergenic breed. If this is a deal-breaker for you, please let me know.
If you are interested, please send me an email at hailcornell@outlook.com. Thank you!